Example sentences of "[art] [noun] as [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Science popularisers often make the same claim , dismissing the Sun as just a run-of-the-mill star .
2 In most histories the massacre is said to mark the end of Mughal Delhi 's greatness , yet Khan clearly sees the invasion as only a temporary setback for the city .
3 It derives , rather , from a picture of the self as fundamentally a unitary , conscious and rational thing , a picture which , in Western philosophy , can be traced back to Descartes .
4 In effect , the service portrayed the adolescent as essentially a dependent person .
5 I remember the psychiatrist as quite a young man with a quiet , gentle manner .
6 Thirdly , because they regard the elections as basically a viable process .
7 Furthermore , in forging a connection between juvenile employment and education , they helped to portray the transition as essentially an educational rather than a trade process .
8 France had never at heart been enthusiastic about the EDC , regarding it at a minimum as perhaps a lesser evil : fundamentally , it did not want West German rearmament .
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