Example sentences of "[art] [noun] of [noun prp] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The addition of Murav'ev to the Secret Committee , which took place on the recommendation of Orlov immediately after his appointment as minister , was probably the low point of the emancipation story .
2 The addition of PSL to the ADCC assay culture with the serum samples from patients with ulcerative colitis enhanced % cytotoxicity .
3 Macaulay wrote , ‘ To represent Charles as a martyr in the cause of episcopacy is absurd … the attachment of Charles to the Church of England was altogether political … . ’
4 The well remembered afterdinner speech made in his presidential capacity by the Prince of Wales to the BMA in December 1982 linked the name of Paracelsus with the holistic approach to medicine .
5 Or should he , de Craon wondered , abandon this game , resume his official status and demand the betrothal of the Prince of Wales to the Princess Isabella ?
6 The re-election of Milosevic to the Serbian presidency disappointed Western hopes for the election of a leader more disposed to compromise over Bosnia-Hercegovina .
7 My tale for today takes us back to the origins of the resistance of Marseilles to the seductions of the Celtic mainland .
8 This high figure is borne out earlier in this report by the rise of Japan to the 7th top destination for Scotland 's exports .
9 It roots lay far back , in the rise of Prussia to the position of leading power in Germany , but there is no need to go back beyond the Congress of Berlin .
10 THE Friends of Thatcherism are working themselves into a fine old lather about the interview given by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the magazine Director .
11 Rivals procured a visit from the archbishop of Canterbury to the chapter , but they failed to overturn his appointment .
12 There are fifty-nine references in the teaching of Jesus to the importance of the heart in this respect .
13 And on a more down-to-earth level , its foraging habits have helped shape and preserve many of Africa 's habitats , from the semi-desert of Namibia to the rainforests of the Cameroon .
14 Mark 's promise that the Holy Spirit will look after their words when arraigned before councils for the sake of the gospel is brought into the Mission Charge by Matthew : it seems clear that he is looking forward from an isolated incident in the ministry of Jesus to the continuing mission of the post-resurrection church of which he was a member .
15 The summit will spend the next four days discussing issues ranging from the division of Cyprus to the war in Bosnia .
16 It had three advantages over the submarine system : British launching aircraft already existed whereas the submarines did not ; the American content of the total system could be reduced by manufacture under licence in the United Kingdom ; and the Americans were likely to tie the purchase of Polaris to the mixed-manned Multilateral Nuclear Force that Eisenhower was keen to foist upon NATO .
17 To accelerate a body with the mass of Venus to the escape velocity of Jupiter would require a fairly impressive ‘ spit ’ !
18 The following paragraphs set out the response of the University of Oxford to the HEFCE 's invitation in circular letter 17/93 to submit information on its strategic plans and financial forecasts up to 1996–7 .
19 To the west it is possible to see the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland and you can sometimes see the peaks of Snowdonia to the north .
20 Alison Wardley , 25 , who left her post last September , is said to have asked the princesses to be bridesmaids and invited the Duchess of York to the April wedding in Withington , Manchester .
21 The full assimilation of this population to the native English and the submergence of Anglo-Norman culture within English culture took several centuries to complete , while the political separation of English and French territory was not complete until the loss of Calais to the English crown in the mid-sixteenth century .
22 Nearer to home , the London Letter reported the elevation of Disraeli to the peerage ‘ for reasons of health ’ , also that ‘ the number of lunatics in England and Wales on the first of January last was 64,619 , being 1123 more than in the previous years . ’
23 Can we entrust the future of Europe to a Germany which has still not wholly rid itself of a nationalism that hankers , whatever is said officially , over the ‘ lost ’ territories in the East , that still sees Germans as superior to other nations and races , that still relishes power over others ?
24 Can we entrust the future of Europe to a Germany which has still not wholly rid itself of a nationalism that hankers , whatever is said officially , over the ‘ lost ’ territories in the East , that still sees Germans as superior to other nations and races , that still relishes power over others ?
25 The total land area affected by the accord was estimated at up to 2,000,000 sq km , some 20 per cent of Canada 's total land mass , stretching from the borders of Manitoba to the North Pole .
26 In 1922 the percentage of households without even a plough was 32.7 in the Central Industrial Region , 33.6 in the Siberian guberniia of Omsk , and 55.8 in the guberniia of Tsaritsyn to the south of Saratov .
27 Letters formal : pleas for forgiveness/mercy requests for planning permission requests that the selfish giant let people play in his garden from the Mayor of Hamelin to the Pied Piper petitions ( for the release of the children of Hamelin ) .
28 A charter in 1033 , granting the manor of Patrington to the Archbishop of York , describes the boundaries of the manor which , except on the south where changes have taken place along the river Humber , appear to coincide with the present boundaries of the parish .
29 We quoted earlier the words of Ginguené to the effect that the conducteur 's arm was in motion during solo music at the mid-century .
30 Listen to the words of Abraham to the rich man who died ‘ between us and you there is a great gulf fixed : so that they which would pass from hence to you can not ; neither can they pass to us that would come from thence . ’
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