Example sentences of "[art] [noun] of [noun] [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 The Prince of Wales looked up annoyed .
2 The Prince of Wales perked up .
3 He seemed bright enough and very eager to learn , but when I went to the school to see his work I found that his handwriting was very , very bad and his spelling was absolutely atrocious , and although he was good at mathematics , as time went on he began to get very worried and very upset about it and when I looked at his work I realized that he was doing a lot of the words back to front and was getting the direction of figures mixed up .
4 It requested him " to direct the Board of Education to set up an inquiry into the present state of the education of the deaf or to direct that a combined system of oral and manual instruction should be adopted in the schools for the deaf " .
5 The tide of plague rose up and up towards him .
6 When the heart of America dried up and blew away , things did n't change much in the Gila Desert .
7 In the case of Dataease setting up the initial forms is easy , even quite complex forms with many relationships can be set up very quickly .
8 Res. on the clifftop that joins Thurso to Scrabster are not interested in the loads of driftwood washed up below .
9 SCOTVEC therefore welcomed the decision of SED to set up a small committee to look at the module/short course issues , particularly in the context of schools ' S3/4 stages .
10 The essential point is that a conception of justice fulfils its social role provided that citizens equally conscientious and sharing roughly the same beliefs find that , by affirming the framework of deliberation set up by it , they are normally led to a sufficient convergence of opinion .
11 There is a hackle-raising moment when she hears a saxophone , but the hackles fall again when the Mistress of Ceremonies leaps up , marches outside , and bellows ‘ Not now , Christopher ! ! ’ to someone in a room upstairs .
12 At one point , too , the producer David Wolper was approached to make a film about Central America ‘ to tell the story better ’ , but he demurred ; he had ‘ the Statue of Liberty coming up . ’
13 She was dazzled by the vista of liberty conjured up before her .
14 In a few seconds the fuse caught , and after about ten seconds the mass of flame blew up and out , throwing something black and smoking twenty metres or more into the late-afternoon air and scattering pieces all over the Grounds .
15 The bank rate went down , and so did the Irish government , while the weight of lorries allowed on the roads of Britain went up from 3212 to 38 tonnes .
16 If exchange relationships were based totally on unscrupulous self-interested behaviour , the resulting distrust and the cost of legal action to enforce contracts would render market coordination much less efficient than it is in the presence of trust built up through networks and embedded social expectations that contracts will be honoured .
17 He makes the point that the arrival of these southerners ( and westerners ) has enabled the University of Ulster to push up the minimum entry grades for some courses .
18 where all the , the backlog of work catches up ,
19 This famous five have experienced the spectrum of emotions stirred up in many of us by last year 's frightening food-related newspaper headlines .
20 She recalled his expression as he had accused her of knowing where Garry was , and she knew he was n't the kind of man to give up easily .
21 The level of productivity went up slowly , but employment prospects did not .
22 Combining the General Household Survey ( GHS ) and the British Crime Survey ( BCS ) victimization data reveals that while police-recorded burglaries doubled between 1972 and 1983 , the level of victimization went up only by 20 per cent ( Hough and Mayhew , 1985 , pp. 16–17 ) .
23 The Queen harmony vocal idea was pretty much fully developed even on your first album , and it seems like the most significant developments since have been on the part of technology catching up .
24 Somehow at the sight of him all her anger seemed to vanish like the wisps of smoke wreathing up the great chimney near by .
25 The loss of McCoist opens up the possibility of Jess playing his first full international from the start , having been used as a substitute against Italy .
26 It is a result of the huge number of parties , most allergic to party discipline , that the collapse of communism threw up .
27 If doubt can conjure up images of heroism ( the David of Doubt standing up to the Goliath of Lies ) , it can just as easily represent what is most cowardly , indecisive and dictatorial in us all .
28 It is because motives , intentions and historical events lack the kind of clear robust reality displayed by electrons , fields and quarks that Quine spurns the intentional ; the indeterminacy of translation shows up , not a special character of a distinctive form of discourse , but the extent to which the realm of the intentional fails to meet standards of reality set by physics and physical objects .
29 In 1975 , the year after the fall of Haile Selassie , and four years before the fall of the Shah , the witness of revolutions turned up in Angola for the abandonment of their colony by the Portuguese : the subject of the third of these books of his .
30 Thus limitations grow , the weight of demand goes up , and overload and pressure expand still further : which is where we came in .
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