Example sentences of "[art] [noun] the [noun sg] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) That since it could not be said that the jury would inevitably have convicted the defendant if before the trial the defence had been given the statement of the deceased 's husband and the two statements of her sister , if the jury had properly been directed with regard to evidence as to the defendant 's previous good character , and if they had received guidance from the judge on their problem concerning the evidence , the proviso to section 14(1) of the Judicature ( Appellate Jurisdiction ) Act could not be applied to uphold the conviction ; and that , accordingly , the case would be remitted to the Court of Appeal of Jamaica with the direction that it should quash the conviction and either enter a verdict of acquittal or order a new trial , whichever it considered proper in the interests of justice ( post , p. 169C–D , G–H ) .
2 The advocate depute submitted that at the trial the view had been taken by the advocate depute and counsel for the defence that there was sufficient evidence to support the view that the two appellants were acting in concert .
3 In a number of the houses the staircase has been preserved and much of the upper floors ; only the roof is missing .
4 When they 'd first re-entered the apartment the place had been crawling with a crowd of men who were mending the air-conditioning , installing a computer and modem to a fresh telephone line , and plugging in the dreaded fax machine .
5 OSF 's singular appearance changes the rules the industry has been playing by for the past few years , narrowing the gap between the two camps , and allowing more room for the players to manoeuvre .
6 According to the authorities the commando had been responsible for a number of recent attacks in the province of Bilbao , which had claimed the lives of five people .
7 During the course the group had been briefed on the technical skills and safety requirements needed to complete the task .
8 Normally it is unnecessary to make special provision for this since the rent the tenant pays is linked to the rent he receives .
9 If the remedy the applicant seeks is an order of mandamus or a declaration or injunction , then the main form of interim relief available is an interim injunction .
10 Therefore the letter is either a fake , or the diver the writer saw was a Russian still inspecting the ship for other British frogmen .
11 so we count the months the house has been empty
12 By their statement of claim the council claimed , inter alia , ( i ) that the council was the county council for Derbyshire and pursuant to statute was responsible for a wide range of governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , and in particular the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( ii ) that in those issues of ‘ The Sunday Times ’ the third and fourth defendants falsely and maliciously wrote and the first and second defendants falsely and maliciously printed and published , or caused to be written , printed or published of and concerning the council and of and concerning the council in the way of its discharge of its responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( iii ) by reason of the words published in the articles the council had been injured in its credit and reputation and had been brought into public scandal , odium and contempt , and had suffered loss and damage .
13 At this end of the village the night had been quiet , but in the Untouchable quarter to the west , there 'd been quite a kerfuffle .
14 The cat the dog chased was a tabby
15 The error the manager makes is to try to correlate Harry 's performance as an individual employee with his performance in a group — they are two entirely different performances .
16 I pointed out that I had not been to the polytechnic , but had been to Durham University on a scholarship — only the second the force had been awarded .
17 Dismissing the Crown 's application to strike out the summons , Mr Justice Mervyn Davies said that the question the plaintiff posed was whether the Revenue could invoke s 485 , TA 1970 in the course of the appeals .
18 From the '70s to the '80s the handful which initially was Cobham Christian Fellowship grew to number 250 , and since the mid-1980s the group has been committed to church planting .
19 On the sea-coast the destruction had been no less .
20 Abercrombie and Forshaw had already applied this model in the County of London Plan , and before the war the idea had been fed from at least two sources : from the continent there were the large building blocks of Vienna and elsewhere with their community facilities .
21 However , the sentiments the League expressed were probably more widely held .
22 At the meeting the amount agreed is entered alongside the first figure , in the same column .
23 The evening the accident happened was fine and he could have walked .
24 The Corporation may cancel this Policy by sending seven days notice by registered letter to the Policyholder at his last known address and in such event will return to the Policyholder the premium less the pro rata portion thereof for the period the Policy has been in force or the Policy may be cancelled at any time by the Policyholder on seven days notice and ( provided no claim has arisen during the then current period of insurance ( subject to the relative International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) being returned to the Corporation the Policyholder shall be entitled to a return of the premium less premium at the Corporations short period rates for the time the Policy has been in force calculated from the date upon which such Card is received by the Corporation .
25 Then the eggs the queen has been laying in such abundance begin to hatch into small grubs .
26 One of the questions the committee considered was whether an ‘ author of a literary or artistic work should have exclusive right to authorise the public display of the original work or a copy thereof , that is to say to display the work directly ( exhibition ) or indirectly , that is to say by means of a device ( example : a screen ) ’ .
27 For the occasion the gallery has been stocked with loans of Johns 's work in a full range of media from various museums as well as from two important private collections : those of Mr Castelli and Mr Johns .
28 From the beginning the putsch had been poorly conceived : it had failed to mobilize the support of the pieds noirs or to win over the conscript troops , who were the vast majority .
29 A woman who knew her told the court the girl had been abusing solvents for some time .
30 INTO Northern Secretary Frank Bunting said : ‘ The evidence the Minister wants is now overwhelming and he should stop procrastinating .
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