Example sentences of "[art] [noun] that was [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Feelings were thought to be strong , on either side , about the sentence that was now to be carried out .
2 He laughed , a low rumble , not so unlike the thunder that was unrelentingly outside the door .
3 As he rushed towards the wheat-rick that was most in danger , he saw he was not alone .
4 This sort of action is still infrequent and perhaps not very significant , but it gives hope that the enthusiasm that was much in evidence at the conference can help to revitalise the labour movement — this time globally organised , just like capital .
5 David ran after the figure that was nearly at the top , almost over the lip of the cutting , the figure then looked round to face the boy and smiled , then to David 's amazement disappeared into thin air .
6 And the tumble dryer , was it still turning or was it the sound of the Meloch that was always with us ?
7 They began a three-year love affair , but were not to marry until he had enjoyed the full fruits of the fame that was just around the corner .
8 The inference that was clearly to be drawn from their study was that land reform/land redistribution was the critical factor in the peasant problem : even if the peasants ' lot could be improved by less drastic means .
9 Crowds of people and mountains of goods , departing and arriving scores upon scores of times in every four-and-twenty hours , produced a fermentation in the place that was always in action .
10 She clapped her hands over her ears waiting for the water that was almost upon them , aware of the damage it was going to cause .
11 He lowered his mouth then and brushed his lips against hers , so that Robyn surprised by the gentleness that was so at odds with his temper , found herself momentarily confused .
12 The director had a knack of giving elegant voice to exactly the thought that was currently in poorish shape at the back of Arthur 's head , and this was infuriating , though to feel resentment at having your skull so stylishly looted seemed small-minded and a blunder of taste .
13 Monica 's section is , I do n't know how fair it is , but a lot of the pressure that was previously on Steve and before him on Margaret has actually gone to Gail 's post .
14 But they had to be humoured before they could be diverted from the unobtainable to the treasure that was actually for sale .
15 Erm you know , and these achievements , he 's not saying that you know re rev revolution 's the way forward , he 's actually saying look what 's happened before under the system that existed er previously , er well it actually existed , you know , at the time he was talking about , there does seem to be an effort by the peasants erm you know to , to improve their lot and therefore wha while he cites revolution in a way you , you can argue it is a bit strange because they seem to be , according to him , have improved their lot under the system that was there in the first place , erm
16 its my responses to it , that would be a very different approach , because of familiar with a , I mean with the postcard that was past around , familiar with that picture then looked at it one , I feel that about it .
17 After all , the top of the table that was once on a line with our chin now reaches only to our thighs .
18 And I wondered if he meant the heat that was all over John 's body .
19 Prior to 1988 , the BBC 's licence fee was set every three years at a level that was mid-way between what the BBC wanted and what politicians thought was electorally acceptable .
20 Pitcairn seamount lavas have O isotope ratios up to a few parts per million higher than the mantle value , which leads to the virtually inescapable conclusion that they contain a component that was once at the surface of the Earth .
21 We searched for kilometres — it seemed — to find a crossing point , eventually reaching a lake and being forced to cross at a place that was nowhere near as good as a dozen we had passed and dismissed as unsuitable .
22 In the afternoons there was little to see other than the skateboarders who came to clatter back and forth in the bowl-shaped space under the Festival Hall , making a sound that was somewhere between a roller derby and a kendo match ; but as evening came on , bags and boxes would start to appear in the best-lighted spots under the concrete .
23 It was some player indeed who could unleash a power-drive with a ball that was more like a cannon-ball than a football !
24 Gradually , all was revealed that is , people , including the authorities and the KGB , realized that the Odd-Bod Greek who had spent all those years collecting the ‘ rubbish ’ that no-one needed had in fact made a collection that was now worth a great deal of money , and it reached a point when it became awkward living in Moscow with the collection .
25 To some extent Ochs is a ‘ type ’ , but it is true there were many Baron Ochses living in Austria between the wars and living in their castles in a style that was far from elegant — in fact , very uncomfortable , as these were not good times for such people .
26 As she spoke , she reached out and poured herself a glass of water from a jug that was always on her desk .
27 It was a debt that was never to be repaid by the politicians or the generals of both sides , no matter how many red poppies were later bought or how many ‘ Last Posts ’ were sounded on dismal anniversaries .
28 It was mild by contrast with some of his later invective , but it marked the beginning of a year that was soon to be darkened by violence , malice and crime .
29 But she said , after a while , in a pause that was there for her to fill , " I ca n't , Andrew . "
30 Anyway , surely two professional people , both chartered accountants and married to each other , should be able to live in a house that was once worth £425,000 .
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