Example sentences of "[art] [noun] i 'm [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 because I do n't speak to at all now and that ca n't be right and the reason I do n't is because I know the response I 'm gon na get , blank look
2 The experts I 'm talking about are the ex-members of various secret services and police forces .
3 ‘ With all the money I 'm paying for your education , you should learn more than that ’ …
4 If he 'd have turned round and said , Look I 'm putting this in the kitchen I 'm gon na be listening to what you 're saying then she would n't minded .
5 The reasons I 'm gon na give you were supplied by a guy called Tony .
6 my make up and the way I dress reflects the meetings I 'm going to .
7 If you have such a policy if you were to have criteria of the kind I 'm alluded to erm does that still leave it too open in North Yorkshire , might it still be too wide too many erm er opportunities might meet locations might meet these criteria .
8 The lads I 'm taking with me will ensure there is a British influence and a British type of discipline throughout the side . ’
9 As the role of er , business in the community is well at the top of personal agenda , in my job as I B M Personnel Director and Director of Corporate Affairs , the Corporate Affairs bit , er , is the piece I 'm going to be talking about .
10 In these conditions I wanted to get rid of about a third of the original sail area and so that 's it , now I 'm sailing much more happily instead of struggling against the boat I 'm sailing in harmony again .
11 He is sitting at his desk , with the window I 'm looking at now beside him .
12 In the corridor I 'm addressed by another doctor .
13 Erm the proposal I 'm referring to is in the view of the county council in the open countryside .
14 And in in the circumstances I 'm talking about where I would work on the side , then it 's always gon na be erm turning to the quickest resort , rather than the last resort you know .
15 ‘ This is the wing I 'm using at the moment , ’ he told her .
16 Just leave it at the moment I 'm trying to here if you ca n't
17 Well at the moment I 'm working on the mechanism action of vitamin B twelve dependent enzymes .
18 Because there was n't the same amount of work , this is just after the war I 'm talking about , and there was n't so many going then .
19 But , but you see the point I 'm getting at ?
20 What I 'm really searching for is a bit more evidence from the C , all participants as to why the principle of expanding an exis existing settlement has been rejected , I well appreciate that those who lived in the settlement that was chosen would not like it , but that 's not the point I 'm getting at , is there nothing in this principle of building on what 's there ?
21 The , the point I 'm raising with this is that he does seem , in that particular piece , he does quite strongly , to me anyway , that that individuation is still very strong
22 So the point I 'm making to you is , is this .
23 Anyway , you can see the point I 'm driving at .
24 The point I 'm coming to is this : on that particular day , I had reason to open the lid of the dustbin .
25 Yeah , it 's not the heaven I 'm objecting to , it 's , it 's saying the rain of heaven , we we do n't use that kind of structure now .
26 Ten past twelve , and still no sign of the leaf-shape I 'm looking for
27 I admit that the vast majority of contributors are women , but this is one occasion when the article I 'm thinking of could only be written by a man .
28 What 's the name of the place I 'm thinking of ?
29 one of the things I 'm thinking of in the longer term and I I bounced this of er was that if groups moved to Stansted could not be moved across to groups to sort this problem out because I think she 's getting bored in what she 's doing
30 Well ah , that 's one of the things I 'm leading to .
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