Example sentences of "[art] [noun] that [verb] him [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He collected his boarding card and found a seat in the cafeteria that allowed him to look down on the concourse .
2 But it was the driver that made him halt abruptly .
3 Watching him speak , and seeing the man he was , I realized the distress that allowed him to reveal his feelings to me .
4 This can only be due to Coleridge 's awareness and heightened sensitivity at these moments , which cause him ponder on his very means of creation and that of the emotions that cause him to write , which are therefore in a positive sense creative forces .
5 It was the Lucy Ghosts who supplied him with the cash that helped him build his empire . ’
6 He 's had one of his rare vivid nightmares ; the sort that has him lying rigid in bed , blind eyes wide open , yelling ‘ No !
7 Their captain ( for so I must term him — though their forces understand no battle order and hurl themselves pell-mell on us like mere animals who must quench their parched throats with blood ) , a certain youth who is called Dulay to his people , with a trick of the eye that makes him seem to look at you and yet not see you ( and other tricks beside — I have seen this same swart creature climb a ladder into the air as if it were a tree planted there foursquare ) , we apprehended as he fled from our justice .
8 And yet his knowledge was as nothing beside the compulsion that drove him to see her again .
9 Against eight opponents — two of them , Akiko and Carson Bay , are his pacemakers — Arazi should have little trouble in confirming his booking to Louisville if reproducing the brilliance that saw him top the International Classification and America 's Experimental Handicap .
10 The observations that led him to make the distinction are deceptively simple .
11 It was the click of rock beyond the firelight that made him turn .
12 The slide of bodies bathed in perspiration ceased as Luke shuddered and stilled momentarily before moving to kneel over her , surveying her with glittering eyes , his shadow cast over her , and Maria fell back against the pillows with a hoarse sob , wordlessly pleading with him to end the torment , aching for him , needing to feel him inside her , hating him for prolonging her agony like this and resenting the control that enabled him to do it .
13 It was only the threat of banishment from the game that persuaded him to wear the sponsors ' bibs at the tournaments .
14 Suddenly the passion that drove him reached her also .
15 If the former administrator had gone mad , then the passion that possessed him had more to do with the re-establishment of the New Thinking in a new place , rather than any desire for vengeance .
16 It was not a magical experience , enabling him to go without food for the rest of his flight , but it was a meal for the spirit that kept him nourished and firm in his intention until he reached Horeb the mountain of God ( 1 Kings 19:1–8 ) .
17 Instead , the finger of doom is pointing at Malcolm Crosby , a Wearside hero when he led Sunderland to the FA Cup final last season , but perilously close to getting his P45 if the players that love him let him down again today at Derby .
18 He did n't say anything about ( well-documented ) insults Yeugh directed at the distinguished internationals for no apparent reason — like telling Eddie Gray ‘ if you were a racehorse you 'd have been shot years ago ’ in front of the team — or indeed any of the other eccentric behaviour of the man that got him fired .
19 Lewis 's Allegory of Love ( 1936 ) , the book that made him known , was almost all written while he was still an atheist ; and his Christian polemics , which began as war-time broadcasts , never prevented him from winning secular admirers .
20 He went to her , and told her how much he loved her , and that she was not to heed him ; it was the headaches that made him distracted ; that day he had been almost blind ; Mr Lamprey had suggested spectacles , and perhaps now he could afford them .
21 I am told that Honest John has taken to phoning up editors of the papers that helped him regain power to plead with them not to be so beastly .
22 And a fatal affliction … the sickness that caused him to kill .
23 What is more , de Man argues , metaphor overcomes the opposition between inner repose and outer action because Marcel 's imagination gives him access to the outside world ; of a kind that allows him to possess it " much more effectively than if he had actually been present in an outside world that he could then have only known by bits and pieces " ( 1979 : 60 ) .
24 Because the males ' reproductive success is probably limited by the number of females they can attract and defend from other males rather than their sperm supply , natural selection will favour any property in a male that enables him to mate with more females .
25 It is sometimes a way of endowing a person with a responsibility that trains him to fulfil various roles in the future , or that it is hoped will change his character for the better , or that endows its holder with prestige , or that gives him a certain hold on other people and makes them more likely to act in his interests .
26 But he looked up all the same and saw the bike pass by , the rider wearing an unfamiliar black helmet and black leathers , the motorbike low-slung , bulging , making a noise that made him think of someone beating cream in a bowl with a wooden spoon .
27 Gone was the waxed jacket and jeans , replaced by a dinner-jacket that made him look formal and distinguished — and even more dangerously attractive .
28 He fought four times for his seat on Southampton council before winning it : a result that encouraged him to move into national politics .
29 ‘ And then they painted the walls of his office with a chemical that made him lose his mind , ’ she was saying to her brother Phil , who was sitting next to her .
30 On Saturday , Payton fluffed a simple chance then regained his composure to score the goal that ensured victory and finished up having to change his jersey because it was stained with the blood of a cut that required him to go off temporarily for stitches .
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