Example sentences of "[art] [noun] i [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I now bring before you all the attitudes I now realise to be wrong .
2 On this part of the case I respectfully agree with the observations of Lord Donaldson M.R. , at p. 325f , in the Court of Appeal and of Neill L.J. , at p. 328f .
3 I compare the Government 's record to the experience I once had of helping to redecorate a pensioner 's home to brighten up the dingy gloom .
4 As I was quite unable to organise the shop myself and continue with my studies at the university I quickly came to the conclusion that I would have to appoint a temporary manager .
5 The books I most admire in the European tradition are , ’ he says , ‘ 19th century novels by the great Russian writers and by English writers like Jane Austen and George Eliot .
6 The books I actually borrowed from the library — the bad-tempered bump of the date stamp dying in my ears — were adventure stories .
7 I do n't know about you , but courage and integrity are the words I always think of when I consider record labels .
8 Even so , I am teetering on the brink of spending £300 to replace the turntable I foolishly ditched as an anachronism a few months ago .
9 As we see from the passage I just quoted from Barthes , the work or labour that the writer puts into composing his text is brushed aside as of no importance .
10 She has never possessed boots or winter shoes : " I ca n't afford closed-in shoes , so I always wear sandals and in the winter I just put on two pairs of socks . "
11 ‘ I can explain what resources I 've got and what I can do with those resources — which includes looking after the bands I already have on board . ’
12 ‘ Playing with D'Arcy has been a real education because up until she joined the band I always thought about rock in male terms .
13 If I had n't taken that opportunity I 'm sure I would never have done the things I later did in the refinery business .
14 One of the things I really like about this Ovation is how it seems to be the ideal compromise , in terms of feel , between my ideal electric and acoustic guitars .
15 The main and very unsatisfying conclusion that I have reached may he expressed in the title I sometimes give to a lecture on the subject : " There 's something damn funny about the stratigraphical record " .
16 Because if I do n't escape , if something dreadful happened , I shall still know that the person I was and would have stayed if this had n't happened was not the person I now want to be .
17 Granpa shook his head and frowned , but I was so proud of my dad that for the rest of the day I just strutted around the market by his side .
18 After the game I immediately went to hospital , where I was detained overnight .
19 The £2.3m Pallister said : ‘ When I was going into the dressing rooms before the game I almost walked into the home one .
20 ‘ In those days , the new psychology was just beginning to make itself felt in the circles I most frequented in Oxford , ’ he told readers of the 1950 reprint of Dymer .
21 I do n't remember the paper I only look at the front and the back on a Friday , well pick it up and have a look
22 Oh , right from the beginning when we talk to citizens about using their friends of the theatre I nearly fell about you know
23 When I see them in the church I always talk to them and I said ‘ Look have you got bottles ? ’ and sometimes they 'll say yes and sometimes they 'll say no .
24 I had sweat all over my face and as soon as they opened the door I just went for one of them .
25 And in this respect , it should be recalled that the man I later compared to the mechanical rabbit who runs on.rails at a greyhound track was far from being the smooth , meticulous driver he later became .
26 Galatians 2.20 must be among the most marvellous words of the Bible : ‘ I have been crucified with Christ ; it is no longer I who live , but Christ who lives in me ; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God , who loved me and gave himself for me . ’
27 May we all say with St Paul in Galatians 2.20 : ‘ I have been crucified with Christ ; it is no longer I who live , but Christ who lives in me ; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God , who loved me and gave himself for me . ’
28 The car park was so full that upon my visits to the hospital I now parked across the road in a garden centre .
29 But now will somebody please explain to me how the hell I ever got in ? ’
30 Was n't satisfied with it , he goes and makes a big one as well but I do n't want a big one , I do n't wan na do a big one for the sale I just wan na do a small one .
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