Example sentences of "[art] [noun] is [to-vb] that the " in BNC.

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1 A major reason for depreciation charges in the accounts is to ensure that the costs of services provided by capital assets are included in the selling price of the company 's products .
2 A major reason for depreciation charges in the accounts is to ensure that the costs of services provided by capital assets are included in the selling price of the company 's products .
3 The duty of the auditor is to see that the accounts have been prepared in accordance with the legal requirements and to see that proper accounting practices have been observed in the compilation of the accounts .
4 Part of understanding the sentence is to decide that the person questioned in the questioning event is the same person as the seer in the seeing event .
5 Another part of understanding the sentence is to decide that the person doing the seeing is called Diane .
6 The intention is to ensure that the Policyholder will not unnecessarily cause the safety of the property to be endangered .
7 Both at home and abroad , the intention is to ensure that the people who are entitled to vote are aware of that fact .
8 For her , the dreadful underlying fear is that the space can never be filled : any such attempt would be futile , and so the best thing to do in the circumstances is to accept that the space exists , and to turn this fact to advantage .
9 WAIT_FLAG/ — is an input parameter specifying whether the procedure is to check that the QA listings file has been created before returning .
10 WAIT_FLAG/ — is an input parameter specifying whether the procedure is to check that the package has been successfully approved before returning .
11 Where a preference is given to a person ‘ connected with the company , ’ the court is to presume that the company was so influenced unless the contrary is shown : subsection ( 6 ) .
12 The general force of the argument is to urge that the needs of employment , and employers , should influence as little as possible overall patterns of national education .
13 My only contribution to the debate is to affirm that the colony of twenty or more specimens growing along the lane above my house breeds true .
14 One of the arts of the parent , the teacher , and the librarian is to ensure that the right book is in the right hands at the right moment .
15 The answer is to ensure that the primulas growing conditions are good , with a rich soil , so they can build up their strength early in the season .
16 If the Government are confident that quality will not be affected by the financial pressures that they are imposing on higher education to cut the inward resource year after year , the answer is to ensure that the inspectorate for higher education is wholly independent of the funding system and solely concerned with the issue of quality .
17 The answer is to recognize that the conversation has got stuck in a circle and to take an initiative to break it .
18 The starting-point is to recognize that the size and composition of the prison system , far from somehow being predetermined , are the consequence of action taken at every stage of the criminal justice process .
19 The better way to approach the situation is to ensure that the application software on both the PC and the Macintosh produce compatible files .
20 The function of the line is to ensure that the male animal is fully under your control .
21 With both classes of compounds the challenge is to show that the risk of administration is very low , and certainly less than that of blood products .
22 The easiest way to deal with the situation and the one which causes least problems to the students is to assume that the wages paid in 1989 and the materials used in 1989 were charged in 1989 .
23 Since the business model is a generally accepted way of reporting measurable outputs , the tendency is to conclude that the business model can serve as the basis for satisfying Anthony 's users ' needs .
24 Obviously , the purpose is to ensure that the best possible pensions arrangements are reached .
25 The job of the trustee is to see that the fund is managed within the terms of its ‘ trustee deed ’ .
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