Example sentences of "[art] [noun] in [noun prp] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is as awesome a task as the work in Easterhouse by the Salvation Army captain Eric Buchanan is daunting .
2 He added : ‘ These changes are being made to the organisation of the NHS in Darlington by the back door .
3 The move follows the announcement in July by the International Stock Exchange that it intended to set up a clearing house to handle existing and projected settlement services in London .
4 Britain by then had been at war with Germany for two years , but the Soviet Union was only drawn into the conflict in June by a sudden German invasion , whilst the US entered the war in December after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor .
5 It began inauspiciously with the burning of Bearn , a ‘ patrician ’ of the king in Seletun by the duces ( ealdormen ) Osbald and Aethelheard on 25 December 780 ( ASC D , s.a 779 ) , and it ended with the assassination of the king at Scythlecester ( perhaps Chesters ) near Hadrian 's Wall on 23 September 788 after a conspiracy had been formed by Sicga , Aelfwald 's ‘ patrician ’ and principal lay representative at the legatine council of 786 ( ASC D , s.a. 788 ) .
6 There was also disagreement about Japan 's alleged obstruction of foreign investment plans by European companies ; Frans Andriessen , an EC Commission vice-president , complained on Feb. 2 that Japanese investment in the EC outweighed that of the EC in Japan by a factor of 60 .
7 Only later was a full investigation made of the events in Dallas by a commission under Chief Justice Earl Warren , which produced 26 volumes of evidence .
8 The agreement followed the acceptance in November by the ruling Frelimo movement of wide-ranging political reforms [ see pp. 37843-44 ] , and an offer by President Joaquim Chissano to merge the MNR forces with those of the government .
9 Israeli groups are planning protests over the weekend , with special attention focusing on a march in Jerusalem by the Peace Now movement in which demonstrators will carry pictures of some of the 130 Palestinian and four Jewish children under 16 who have been killed during the unrest .
10 This followed the rediscovery of the Sarum Use , which had been a local medieval modification of the Roman rite , used in nearly every place in Britain by the end of the fifteenth century .
11 That same November , I escaped from Oxford life by securing permission — I do not know whether such authorization is needed these days — to go to a performance in London by the Group Theatre in Great Newport Street , under Rupert Doone , of Sweeney Agonistes .
12 Wörner 's statement failed , however , to prevent a public controversy following a statement in mid-February by the West German Defence Minister , Gerhard Stoltenberg , who hinted that West German troops might be stationed in eastern Germany after unification .
13 On July 3 Sudan Radio denied a report in June by the human rights organization Amnesty International to the effect that at least 60 political prisoners remained in custody [ for April amnesty see p. 38136 ] .
14 Japan agreed during a visit in May by the then Japanese Prime Minister , Toshiki Kaifu to extend a loan of 31,200 million yen ( US$235 million ) .
15 A declaration in April by the governing coalition emphasized the environment , social progress and social justice as major planks in the coalition 's programme , and disagreement later arose with the federal government in Bonn concerning among other matters the SPD/AL coalition 's proposal to ease restrictions on asylum-seekers arriving in West Berlin .
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