Example sentences of "[art] [noun] and [indef pn] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We have set up the institutions and everybody is joining them .
2 It 's in a way like a bereavement in as far its the middle of the afternoon and everything is going well , then suddenly everything 's changed and they 're pretty devastated and do n't know how they ought to react .
3 Carefully cut and polished plates of onyx were mounted in gold to form flat components of the necklace and one was engraved with the name of the priestess Abbabashti of Shesin .
4 I just happened to pick , I picked the favourite and everyone was going .
5 Emergency services managed to clear all the disco goers from the building and no-one was injured .
6 Emergency services managed to clear all the disco goers from the building and no-one was injured .
7 Stephen opened the back of the jeep and everyone was given something to carry .
8 er I went in the office and he said er I 'd been stood there about twenty minutes at the window and everybody was flitting around like a bee from flower to flower and they just left me stood there , so I never said anything , go on the back
9 He said he 's at the home and everything 's going alright and he 's saying he 's already sent us the , the , the invitation , but I have no invitation
10 Eig the three K G line when the machine and everything was running properly , you 'd be getting six eighty .
11 ‘ I 've been in touch with the museum and someone is coming over next week and in the meantime they said do n't touch anything . ’
12 Sorry if you take catty as the para now , then D P are n't actually , the reason D P sent the paper questionnaire is to just double check that all the columns and everything are laid out in the correct way are n't they and then checking it for that reason , whereas they are actually doing it on something like Kathy themselves so they , there is n't the same approval going on .
13 Another civilian was trying to set up a camera and tripod to photograph the scene and everybody was trying to sidestep the vomit on the carpet .
14 Indeed , but the impression remains stronger than the denial and one is left wondering why they chose 1950 as the cut-off point , if not to put a comfortable distance between ‘ then ’ and ‘ now ’ : the dark ages of the past and present enlightenment , which they rightly insist is illusory .
15 They pushed through the padded door , back towards the dining room , and Miranda confided , ‘ When I 'm really on the breadline and someone 's taking me out , I sometimes tell them I have n't any change for Madame Pipi — they give me something .
16 All the machines and everything are switched off in there .
17 All of a sudden this erm worry about this budget heading , is being swept under the carpets and everybody being told is all in been er cleared up .
18 The pilot 's bum is little more than a foot off the ground and one is towered over by a Cessna 172 !
19 A few sections of rail were lying on the bottom , several more were scattered on the ground and one was propped against the end of the trailer as if whoever had been in the act of loading or unloading had abandoned it in a hurry .
20 now then the E E C said this should of happened so we , we got a petition up and I thought , we got , well I did n't but the lads got over two hundred signatures and they must of been er two letters went to the Corporation and everyone was talking er critical
21 Two of the gunmen were captured by the demonstrators and one was beaten to death .
22 The next moment I was on the floor and one was kicking me and the other was hitting me in the face .
23 Somewhere , far away , there seemed to be a rapping at the door and someone was calling his name , over and over , louder and louder …
24 The publicity the film attracted in Cannes followed Nicholson back to America where it was due for New York opening in July which , as Karen Black told me later , was an odd time : ‘ It was a college film and so it goes on release at exactly the same time as the colleges are closing down for the summer and everyone is going home . ’
25 ‘ One minute I was on top of the world and everything was going right .
26 I suppose we say it 's a nightmare — it gets a little bit electrifying to me because Chelsea is the accolade of the world and everyone 's expecting their best at Chelsea and which we attempt to do every year .
27 ‘ The selectors have made their decisions concerning the squad and nobody is going to knock on my door again unless I recapture the form that made me No 1 .
28 ‘ We were all still in high spirits from the party and everyone was chatting .
29 We 're in a mess and nothing is going to pull us out ; I am not a socialist ; I 'm not impressed by your little man in Rome ; I do n't like ultra-nationalists ( I 'm not one of those who 'd follow the general ) ; I think there is something to be said for constitutional monarchy but in France that cause is as dead as mutton ; I have not much faith in the League , nor in democracy as an up-to-date technique of government .
30 However , if you are with a group and everyone is laughing , it might put a damper on things if you remained tight-lipped and poker-faced .
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