Example sentences of "[art] [noun] of the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Each offers a unique atmosphere , from the grandeur of the Renaissance Palace at Stirling Castle to the intimacy of the Gallery at Aberdour Castle .
2 He justified his secrecy to himself as a necessary precaution , but , lying somewhat deeper , there was a wish to preserve the intimacy of the link with Heather that they represented , a desire to conceal both his possession of them and his pursuit of what they meant .
3 Yes , Erika had enjoyed it , very much so ; the proud little manager , looking at the other guests , the intimacy of the talk with her mother , and , knowing her mother 's pride in her children , she had been touched by her concern about the special sports school .
4 Aunt Bridget entertained most of the womenfolk of the village to another sit-down feast , and Polruan challenged Polperro to a hurling match " to the country " , the result of which was a draw .
5 These have been considered in depth in the judgments of the Court of Appeal and in the speeches of my noble and learned friends , Lord Keith of Kinkel and Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle ; the principles to be derived from them have been analysed by my noble and learned friend , Lord Goff of Chieveley .
6 The judgments of the visitors in In re S. ( A Barrister ) [ 1970 ] 1 Q.B .
7 L. 41 ) , provided the main inspiration for the argument of Woolwich , and the judgments of the majority of the Court of Appeal , in the present case .
8 Oliver LJ 's dissent seems more in tune with the decision of the European Court in Factortame II than are the judgments of the majority in Bourgoin .
9 The autocratic leader tended to give orders , and to interrupt the activities of the boys by giving commands to do something .
10 5.4.8 Finally , an interesting issue is raised by the activities of the DCSLs in the two schools described above .
11 Nevertheless it is important that every member of a firm should be familiar with at least the basic arrangements for its administration and should not be denied access to information about the activities of the firm at any level , subject always to their giving reasonable notice .
12 The whole complex structure of the liturgy throughout the year orders and enacts believers ' common sense of how an ultimate reality engages with the processes of time : the Mass through the celebration of a corporate sense of all life as a divine gift sustained by processes of death and resurrection ; the office by a daily pattern of worship varying throughout the year to commemorate the significance of the events of the Incarnation and link the activities of the Church in time present with the saints .
13 At least , this was the opinion of Dugdale , writing a hundred years later ; but it should be remembered that he was one of a long line of propagandists for land drainage , and that , while localized deterioration must have taken place , there is also ample evidence of the activities of the courts of sewers and of individual enterprise by secular landlords .
14 Falling budget allocations are beginning to cause near paralysis in the activities of the Ministry of Education , both at central level and in the regional directorates and schools and colleges .
15 I would like to help with the activities of the Friends of the Ulster Orchestra in the following way(s) :
16 In other words , to explain or understand crime and deviance we must be at least as much concerned with the activities of the conferers of these labels as with the recipients .
17 Domesday mentions the activities of the reeve of West Derby hundred , between Ribble and Mersey , and the riding divisions of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire may all have had reeves of their own .
18 State publications were to be instructed and private publications " stimulated " to present the activities of the authorities in a favourable light .
19 It was reported on Oct. 11 that the government had suspended the activities of the Union of Chadian Trade Unions ( UST ) which had called a one-month strike of public service employees a week earlier , protesting over an income tax increase and non-payment of salaries .
20 Now , he finds people are beginning to be more open about their sexuality , and consequently he has been promoting the activities of the centre for sexual problems in Istanbul .
21 Many local authorities operate ‘ policy committees ’ , which aim to co-ordinate the activities of the authority as a whole .
22 From it Gregory learnt about the activities of the Franks in the first decades of the fifth century , including their involvement in the civil wars which followed the usurpation by Constantine III .
23 The demise of aura , which Benjamin ( 1975b , p. 239 ) attributes not just to the incursion of mechanical reproduction , but also to the activities of the avant-garde of the 1920s and especially to surrealism , is correspondingly characterized by the overcoming of uniqueness , the need to bring things closer to people , and transience .
24 A 10-member committee would be set up , chiefly to discourage the activities of the PKK in Iran and of the People 's Mujaheddin in Turkey .
25 There were no hard-porn videos available on the activities of The Fox at the time this new offender was committing his offence , only the soft-porn reporting of the popular newspapers , which were describing the atrocities with such vivid detail as they occurred .
26 More indicative of future trends than this rising from within the officer corps were the activities of the Petrashevtsy in the 1840s .
27 In his tract justifying the activities of the Commons in the Parliament of 1701 , when the Tories had made a number of attacks on the policies of the Court Whigs , culminating in the attempted impeachment of some of the Junto Lords , the High Anglican Tory , James Drake , found it plausible in one place to quote Algernon Sidney in support of his argument about the rights of the lower House ; the tract as a whole , however , makes it clear that Drake can in no way be considered a convert to Sidney 's particular brand of radical Whiggery .
28 According to reports , the investigation has centred on the activities of the cult at an address in north London and more recently at a manor house at Lutterworth , Leics .
29 The activities of the Conference at its Seventh Session in 1951 led to the signature of a new Convention on Civil Procedure of 1 March 1954 , but its substantive provisions are almost identical with those of 1905 .
30 Meanwhile Scotland Yard confirmed that officers from the Obscene Publications Squad have been closely monitoring the activities of the Children of God cult in Britain .
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