Example sentences of "[art] [noun] by the time [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If that were the case , then atavistic professional instincts and the terrifying imminence of the first night would ensure that he knew the part by the time they opened .
2 Hankin promised : ‘ I will have eight or nine youngsters in the side by the time we play Exeter in our final match .
3 Cheaper than the car by the time you 've paid petrol there and back again .
4 They first showed that the inhibitor had no effect on the rats ' ability to swim in general , nor , if the animals had already learned the maze by the time it was injected , did it prevent them from swimming it correctly .
5 When he saw it , he was downstairs , ready to get into the vehicle by the time it had stopped , and the director had got out .
6 Sam and Doone were already in the boatyard by the time I 'd found my way there , neither of them radiating joy , Sam 's multicoloured jacket only emphasising the personality clash with grey plain clothes .
7 ‘ There wo n't be a dry eye in the place by the time you 've finished , ’ she murmured .
8 I often wished later that I had named Trotsky instead , because his principles were more in accord with the way I felt about the place by the time I left , but at that time I had never even heard of him .
9 On the other hand a child who was brought up to be bilingual in French and English or who had a natural facility for ‘ picking up ’ languages could romp through his spoken French grades and have reached the top by the time he was 16 , while perhaps having achieved lower grades both in written French and in other more literary aspects of the subject .
10 Already she was tired , and by the looks of the flat by the time she was finished she would be exhausted .
11 They 'd had their one hit with ‘ Guns Of Navarone ’ and he was the toaster by the time they were doing the small-time club circuit .
12 This was still very much the situation by the time I went to Bristol .
13 But he had been very helpful over the Puddephat business , she admitted to herself , and his moods were unpredictable — he might be on top of the world by the time he arrived at the cinema .
14 The fire had spread to the fuselage and reached the cockpit by the time he got the wheels on the ground and jumped out .
15 There were flickering lights in the quarry by the time they got back .
16 Last week a husband took his wife out for a drive and we had 45 minutes to get the place ready , wine chilled , chandeliers , and have a lobster dinner ready on the table by the time they got back .
17 It was difficult to avoid splashing oneself when filling , admits Mr Doig , and often difficult , too , to have the chemical all in the tank by the time it was full of water .
18 The three children had gone to bed and Rose was waiting by the fire by the time he was satisfied enough with what he had written to seal the envelope .
19 ‘ He hardly left the house by the time you got round to him . ’
20 I 'll have dried out a bit by the time I get to the cottage , and I do n't really want to go all the way back to the farm after I 've come this far . ’
21 It still had n't reached a verdict by the time it was recalled at 5 p.m .
22 I get a stitch by the time I reach the telephone box .
23 Young Thomas Cottingham may be in a wheelchair by the time he 's 10 .
24 Brenda says she was in a coma by the time they got her into the hospital .
25 He says your when a ambulance comes for people who are sick they have the and there 'll be somebody who maybe really seriously ill by the time tha that they ask where to get to such and such a place by the time they 're there sometimes the people dead !
26 She seemed to accept without question that Alexandra was the one who would handle the crisis , if it was still a crisis by the time she got into the office .
27 At a three day event , you 've already done quite a distance by the time you get to do the course !
28 Before I had the children , I was pretty certain I would be a head by the time I was 40 .
29 Perhaps he was looking for a drink by the time he had climbed as far as the Piazza where three renaissance palaces , a town hall and cathedral confront each other across an open space of such lively dignity and harmony as to make the lack of tourist cafes completely forgivable .
30 Consequently Paige 's nerves were stretched as tight as a drum by the time they stopped for the night on the banks of one of the streams they had waded through .
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