Example sentences of "[art] [noun] that [pron] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 I feel sorry for the little girl and I suggest to the writer that she consoles her daughter by telling her that the vile custom of killing wild animals for fun is on the way out , that almost all british people feel as she does , and are determined to end such cruelty , and that she can help to bring about its end by supporting the League Against Cruel Sports and talking about the work they do to her schoolfriends .
2 His ring sparkled on her finger , lit by the flames of a fire in the grate ; Paul had the fancy that she turned her fingers deliberately , enjoying the ring 's brilliance and the evidence it gave of prosperity and caste .
3 It was n't until she was stumbling from the room that she saw her mother .
4 I do not say this on the basis that I consider her approach irrational .
5 So she agreed to that bargain , and for a few days more kept the secret to herself , still hopeful that she might be mistaken , and yet at the same time aware of a feeling of inner triumph at the knowledge that she had her very own baby growing inside her womb .
6 Yet the argument that she sacrificed her art for his is as stupid as the argument about who influenced whom .
7 One gets the feeling that she bases her deductions — all her knowledge of the world , in fact , on what she knows about them . ’
8 It was only as she was heading out into the road that she raised her eyes to the rear-view mirror .
9 Gay had begun , characteristically , by wishing Susan and Breeze luck in their new home , and it was not until near the end of the letter that she mentioned her own affairs .
10 ‘ But if I take the job , ’ she blurted , goaded by the idea that he found her lack of sophistication amusing , ‘ it wo n't be because I like the house .
11 And the idea that I resisted her desire to vamoose from my apartment , that I was unmoved when she burst into tears — how could I , an aficionado of opera , fail to respond to lachrymosity ? — is a ridiculous exaggeration .
12 I mean yeah she is funny , yeah , but th not to the extent that you find her funny like she 'll be just standing there and you 'll look at her and you 'll start pissing your knickers .
13 Her blouse was scooped so low at the front that it left her shoulders and upper arms bare .
14 Several guests had difficulty hiding the fact that they found her charges cheap ( though they were not cheap by Italian standards ) .
15 Apart from the fact that she believed her teeth to be on the point of falling out , she had not had her period for several weeks and was afraid that she was barren .
16 A profound depression set in at the same time , despite the fact that she knew her bowel symptoms could now be controlled quite easily .
17 That I did in fact think this way , and that her assumptions about my assumptions were in fact correct , is borne out by the fact that I interpreted her words quickly , and that she seemed perfectly satisfied with my interpretation .
18 She closed her eyes and was uncertain what soothed the effects of his brutishness most — the fact that he thought her good enough to tackle the Palmer & Pearson work , the fact that he thought her brainy , or the fact that he thought her beautiful .
19 She closed her eyes and was uncertain what soothed the effects of his brutishness most — the fact that he thought her good enough to tackle the Palmer & Pearson work , the fact that he thought her brainy , or the fact that he thought her beautiful .
20 She closed her eyes and was uncertain what soothed the effects of his brutishness most — the fact that he thought her good enough to tackle the Palmer & Pearson work , the fact that he thought her brainy , or the fact that he thought her beautiful .
21 He was a powerful , very fit-looking man , and he was obviously enjoying the mental distress he had caused and the fact that he held her powerless in his hands .
22 Anyway , she cited as an example the fact that it warmed her heart to hear the fledgling ringing the hospital every day to find out how you were . "
23 This has to be suggested to her with some care , without giving her the impression that you think her sudden collapse into illness is in any way imminent or inevitable ; and it should not be suggested at all if it is felt that it might upset or frighten her .
24 South-West Durham Coroner Colin Penna recorded a verdict that she took her own life .
25 Although O'Keeffe did not abandon abstractionism after 1923 , there is no question that she limited her experimentation with it , and she never again worked as expressively or freely with it as she had in the formative years of her career .
26 He also contrived to marry several times , on one occasion to a shrewish wench who so exasperated him that he leapt upon her and gave her such a beating that she held her peace thereafter .
27 Alison waved from the window of the departing taxi and Celia waved back , a sudden feeling of depression taking hold of her to such an extent that she abandoned her idea of looking for a pram and set off , rather aimlessly , in the direction of Leicester Square in the faint hope that perhaps a cinema might take her mind off things .
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