Example sentences of "[art] [noun] that [vb mod] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They wore white uniforms in summer to distinguish them from the crowds that might throng their stations .
2 They 're obsessed by the shit out of which we 're shaped ( surgery ) , the shit that could befall us ( horrible accidents ) , the shit in our souls ( the drives and impulses we suppress and expel in order to constitute ourselves as normal , but which sometimes break free in perversion or psychosis ) .
3 It 's WBO super-middleweight champion Eubank 's ninth world title fight in just 22 months — and there 's to be no let-up in his quest to earn the money that can give him retirement in the next year .
4 Their common concern was the chaos that would unleash itself on the city if a radioactive cloud from Hinkley Point was carried by the prevailing wind .
5 Prom there he was to work up his cover as a rubber man and make the contacts that would get him into Germany .
6 Where are the projects that might stop them from doing so in the first place ?
7 Every step is a chance to meet people , to give them the idea , the experience that can change their living and thinking ; to be caught up in an effort to bring a fundamental change to Rhodesia — and that means , of course , matching one 's own life to it .
8 He enters me as fortress , I can only thank him from my battlements ; I am the pearl the knight must capture to win heaven and the drug that will detain him from his quest .
9 The Bill and the rules that will accompany it are essentially practical .
10 We must n't make buying things a substitute for developing the skills that will give us real and lasting confidence in ourselves .
11 Labour says that although it would hand the opted-out schools back to the authorities that used to control them , it would protect them against discrimination .
12 Concentrations of PCBs in whales and dolphins have been found to be between five and 20 times the level that would classify them as toxic waste in the US .
13 It is these cells in the tentacles that will sting you if you unluckily brush against a jellyfish when swimming .
14 Taken at its first test session at Michelin 's Clermont Ferrand test track , they show the car still under heavy disguise but revealing some of the characteristics that should give it a place among the great supercars .
15 FED UP with being Beatles copyists , the Stones invented the riff that would sustain them forever , flipped the finger to the authorities that wanted them jailed , punched hippies in the throat and threw the blues into a seething vat of hydrochloric sex acid .
16 A central light fitting can be used , but the light that will help you most will be the light behind you which illuminates the face of the person speaking .
17 They knew that physically Rose could do much more than she was willing to try , so they kept searching for the key that would restore her will to live without being , unnecessarily , a burden on others .
18 As she walked up Tullis Street , Templeton 's came into view , and she headed for the entrance that would take her to the offices where she d been told to report .
19 To suggest the hidden but omnipresent power of the TARDIS Brachaki wanted a system of lights behind the roundels that would make them glow and pulse while the ship was in flight .
20 Donald Hardie , the Scottish director of the IoD , feels the problem stems from the education system , with girls being discouraged from studying the subjects that would get them on to the business ladder .
21 Good afternoon , Celtic say that Lou Macari is expected in Scotland tomorrow to finalise the deal that will confirm him as their new manager .
22 To steal SunSelect 's WABI 's thunder — see front page — Microsoft Corp and Insignia Solutions Inc are believed to be moving on the accord that will strengthen their relationship .
23 Aye , that , it 'd be the Voltarol that would give her the , the black stuff coming through .
24 The clamour of her heartbeat filled the silence between them , as she struggled to find the words that would send him away forever .
25 Yet there are strong financial and commercial arguments why , ignoring the hype , any management should take a cool , business-like approach to assessing and where possible minimising the risks that could damage their operations in terms of liability claims , disruption of output or direct financial loss .
26 Some people will actually say , if I could add something to the plan that would cost you just a little bit more , which means that if you 're off work through illness , the company , Abbey will pay the premiums for you , would you be prepared to pay a bit more .
27 He drove a wide circle out of the car park towards the slip-road that would take him back to the dual carriageway .
28 So by controlling the concentration of the reagents that will affect which way it goes and a lot of them are temperature sensitive , we heat it up it goes one way , cool it down it goes the other .
29 The fallacy that by using drama as a learning medium we necessarily dilute the drama is exposed by the fact that drama itself is usually greatly enhanced by the work that can accompany it in other curriculum areas .
30 ‘ I felt that by fracturing the well in conjunction with a gravel pack we could produce a ‘ highway ’ into the reservoir that would allow it to produce at peak efficiency , ’ says Hannah , a consulting production engineer .
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