Example sentences of "[art] [noun] that [prep] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It would provide the people of Scotland with at least the hope that after privatisation they will have decent bus services .
2 Boys who feel backward grow backward , even when they are not , for they suffer from the illusion that by nature they can not solve the problems set to them .
3 The mask made him seem menacing , and she suddenly had the sensation that with Lucenzo she was playing with fire .
4 Opinion in Washington therefore moved to the conclusion that on balance it would be best to reduce American involvement in Korea and to request the UN to assist in achieving an acceptable solution .
5 The point that in dreams we see things ‘ as existing at a great distance ’ indicates that this objection can be answered , but he acknowledges that some explanation is needed .
6 What I am trying to do is to , is to question the wisdom of introducing more rules and regulations and every time I try and raise this issue , whether it be in standing committee or on the floor of the house , quite understandably the chairman or the speaker , deputy speaker in your case , raises the point that in fact I 'm going outside the rules and regulations and the result is you can never challenge the whole principle because every time one tries to challenge it one gets up and that 's the disease I 'm afraid we 've now er facing in this country .
7 Yes well it 's being suggested by the plaintiff that in fact it was shoved into the back behind his right ear like like I 'm doing with my fingers .
8 So convinced were the farmers that in July they delayed the trebbiatura , the threshing of the grain , hoping that they could do it under Allied administration ; they thought they would probably get 700 lire more for each sack .
9 However , there is irrefutable evidence that there will be a shortfall , and if we do not ensure that that gap is identified and ascertain where the resources to meet that gap will come from , not only will the people who are currently seeking community care be disadvantaged , but , more importantly , future generations who might seek care in the community will not receive the resources that at present they believe that they will get .
10 I made my statement because , against the criticism that on occasions we have not made statements on incidents in Great Britain , I believed it important that there should be one .
11 As has been shown above , blood was perceived to be the life-giving force of the universe — an obvious conclusion on empirical grounds , but one which was elevated from the pragmatic to the sacred in Hebrew thought by the belief that in humans it was also the seat of the soul , hence the choice of terminology noted at the outset of this essay for murder and death in the Old Testament .
12 Coffin asked , and got the answer that of course he would , especially to a woman .
13 Warning of the dire peril IBM faced at the hands of Unix , we suggested that so many parties were working on the thing that over time it would accrete to itself all the missing features that commercial users demanded , and that instead of simply trying to muddy the Unix waters as IBM did for so long , it should recognise that its most convincing answer to Unix was right there under its nose in the form of VM .
14 How will the public be able to gain access to the information that by law they have a right to see ?
15 Through his work as a teacher , he became fond of the race of Men and saw in it the possibility and the threat that in time it might far exceed the declining race of Elves .
16 I bought some lovely sausage in next door , grill a couple of slices and just have it erm , with the , by the time that with chicken you know
17 In the absence of any data on assimilation the DES ( 1984b ) fitted two models — No Assimilation and Full Assimilation — and prefer the former on the grounds that for males it appeared to fit the experience of the past ten years rather better .
18 Criticism of the phenomenological approach to RE was given in Chapter 4 , particularly on the grounds that in practice it tends to lose touch with much of the religion it sets out to understand and include .
19 In the past Greenpeace have always rejected us and er on the grounds that in fact we 're a political party .
20 Second , our apprehension is aroused by the fact that during sleep we seem to lose control of our minds .
21 Bob Mays had to confront the fact that for years he had been loving someone else 's daughter .
22 So I think , from the trade union movement 's point of view , we can feel especially proud of the fact that on Monday we 'll be celebrating the forty fifth anniversary of the Health Service , and all the advantages that that 's brought to members of our communities and members of our , of our families .
23 see that the fact that in Amsterdam they de-criminalized cannabis and they do not have the same kind of problems .
24 I was busy cooking , blissing out on the aroma of cod in a yoghurt and fresh coriander sauce , and was n't really listening , but through the vapours there penetrated the fact that in Derbyshire they were queuing up recently to do a route on Raven Tor which is ‘ easy 8a , ’ in order to get into a book which David Jones has assembled on climbers — particularly those who can climb 8a .
25 Whatever one 's interpretation of these events , however , attempts to explain away the chronological oddity of the attack on Hastings should not be allowed to obscure the fact that in practice it did not stop Richard taking control of the duke of York .
26 Whatever one 's interpretation of these events , however , attempts to explain away the chronological oddity of the attack on Hastings should not be allowed to obscure the fact that in practice it did not stop Richard taking control of the duke of York .
27 He boasted of the fact that in Egypt he had caught a disease of love from some five-sou courtesan .
28 Under the proposals , the Institute 's disciplinary powers in these areas would be extended to include firms as well as individuals , in recognition of the fact that in reality it is the firms , rather than their engagement partners , which are responsible for client satisfaction .
29 The second view would point to the fact that in reality it is the Prime Minister who , in setting the agenda for Cabinet discussion , decides what is to be discussed in the first place and consequently has power .
30 In the morrow of great victory , will they show some equanimity and , above all , not give business in this country or abroad the impression that in practice we are any less committed to a single currency than any of the Twelve or that we are any less likely to be a part of it ?
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