Example sentences of "[art] [noun] he [modal v] [vb infin] i " in BNC.

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1 In the films he 'd sweep me into his arms and say , ‘ Thank God you 're safe , darling ! ’ and his uncle in the States would die and leave him a million dollars .
2 I had the feeling he might shoot me .
3 When I changed buses there was just time to get the sweets and bananas — the bananas were very good today ; and on the other bus there was a nice driver who said that if I sat near the front he would let me off at the crossing if he was held up in the traffic , instead of my going on to the bus stop and having to walk back ; because of the rain . ’
4 ‘ He 's not a flash Harry or a cheat and if he does n't think another year is on the cards he will tell me straight . ’
5 There on the cross he could say I 've done it all !
6 In a second he would kill me .
7 Just as a kid he would lift me up on the m up on the er counter , you know and me I was born in and then we shifted to the bottom , you know that white house , I think it 's all offices now , in the the erm big gates of the cathedral .
8 The client is encouraged , and initially assisted , in developing and carrying out strategies for testing thoughts and beliefs about what might happen , e.g. ‘ If I ask my boss for a raise he 'll sack me or bite my head off . ’ ,
9 Every holiday he 'd fly back to the Gulf to be with his family , to put his feet on the familiar sandy soil of his own land , and every holiday he 'd want me to go with him .
10 Quadratic equations were a great mystery to me , and seeing me struggle with a problem he would call me out and painstakingly take me step by step to a solution .
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