Example sentences of "[art] [noun] for [det] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Between 1100 and 1200 , when popes and emperors , locked in a power conflict , were both fortified by the lawyers , it was Bologna that provided the think-tank for both the combatants , papalists and imperialists .
2 We went down to The Marquee the following morning and I think Ralph came up to us and said that we could have the money for all the gigs , including the Brummel Club , but after that we were finished .
3 Can I say that as part of the budget discussions , this year and last year , the labour group went over all the services that the City Council provides with a fine tooth comb and argued out the case for all the spending that we then put forward in our budget .
4 You will see that there is a very similar distribution of the severity of symptoms of the symptom of frequency in the two groups and that is the case for all the symptoms which were recorded .
5 Then we got the big fridge in the kitchen for all the foods like we use every day , then we got erm , oh w no , we got six fridges , and then we got the pie fridge , got all the p pies and put the cakes in as well , and we got another deep freeze .
6 His Uncle 's illness had placed the responsibility for all the sheep on George 's shoulders .
7 He has the responsibility for all the editing .
8 It seems certain that over the next few years the returns for all the work done did not satisfy Taylor , who wrote again in 1840 to the acting agent Moser , asking for a reduction of the Royalties to one-fifteenth .
9 The first thing you must do is to assign any system-wide logical names required by the process , eg. pseudo-devices used for the process or storage directories , and all the logicals for all the storage directories known to the process .
10 The frequencies for all the alleles of both markers are very similar in the two populations and there is no allelic association with MS .
11 This is the case for every class ( the term for all the contracts written on a particular share ) of option except those for Vaal Reefs , the two gilts and those on the FTSE Index .
12 We would like to thank the clients for all the help and Harry Ferguson who has the transport contract here at the Centre . ’
13 Bill and Kath , along with their loyal staff have put virtually a lifetime 's effort into acquiring the immense amount of stock contained at PAS , and the one thing that really concerns them is that if anything should ever happen to either of them , what would be the future for all the stock ?
14 The probability of going from A to B is found by adding up the waves for all the paths .
15 Reassembling , say , all the designs for all the parts which make up a jet engine can be a time-consuming task on a relational database .
16 The histogram for all the trials shows three clear peaks with a mean separation of 280μV ( Fig. 1 c ) .
17 Now the reason why we 've come together and this has been a recent change and it 's been this year , erm is because there are overlaps without going into deep detail , there are overlaps in our work and we were working together as officer 's anyway , but not as well as we should , so what we decided to do was formally integrate the three teams under the same unit , and we do have regular er internal meetings , management team meetings consisting of John , Pete me and Carol and we so we more co-ordinate the work for all the teams much more systema systematically , that we know what everybody 's doing and that way we believe we can use best use of resources we 've got most effectively .
18 because somewhere er headquarters , they 're going to do the work for all the region , so therefore they 've got ta go
19 Whilst we may all have our own ideas about how far accounting is an art or a science , hopefully the book and the exercises will provide the basis for a stimulating debate on the issue for both the students and for the lecturers .
20 There was ample space in the Hall for all the prizemen 's work to have been shown .
21 Dr Benjamin Spock points out , however , that if an angry mother refrains from spanking she may show her irritation in other ways , for instance , by nagging the child for half the day or trying to make him feel deeply guilty .
22 This might arise where , during one hour in which the child died , each parent was alone with the child for half the time .
23 Christ , in dying , took the punishment for all the world 's evil , so that anyone who accepts this truth can be forgiven .
24 Ruth stood before the screened fireplace in her duchess gown , drinking her tea , the focus for all the eyes which constantly rose and came to her , and the old smiles which lifted up the lips over the discoloured , sharp old teeth .
25 These initial exercises with the lace carriage and the main carriage are the basis for all the punchcard lace on the K858 model .
26 This cell suspension was the basis for all the experiments .
27 The ADAM & EVE database , which forms the basis for all the analysis , is the result of long-term research into the frequency and coverage of words in the language .
28 Where a file area contains N addresses we can expect : In theory we could provide just sufficient space in the file for all the records .
29 The Goodison Park striker claimed manager Howard Kendall had made him the scapegoat for all the problems besetting the Mersey giants and blamed the absence of a midfield creator for the lack of goals .
30 One Gothic tale I am thinking of in particular is the Grimm 's fairy tale called ‘ Fitcher 's Bird ’ which is the prototype for all the Bluebeard stories .
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