Example sentences of "[art] [noun] for [det] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Fitzhugh admits that the prices he pays for commissioned prices are well below market value ; but few artists turn down the opportunity for such excellent exposure .
2 Secondly , the opportunity for most worthwhile user education activity in higher education is by way of student projects and dissertations .
3 If there are tendencies that are different they relate to reduced inter-firm mobility for men between the ages of 25 and 45 , and the opportunity for some blue collar workers to experience wage profiles that arc in the West generally confined to white collar professions .
4 In addition to the evening sessions there will be four ‘ away-days ’ on Saturdays ( from 10.00 am to 4.30 am ) , which give the opportunity for some extended skill-training and group-work ( an additional ‘ away-day ’ has been included this year ) .
5 ‘ This may be the opportunity for another young man to appear from nowhere and make a name for himself . ’
6 A new series of option contracts ( all the contracts for any particular class with the same exercise price ) will be introduced when :
7 Well , if we 're going to move forward to that sort of union , there are really only three unions in this country that can be used as the base for that new structure , that new organization .
8 He 's also pleased that the centre is now the base for several local groups including the Women 's Institute , the WRVS lunch club , a mother and toddler group , and the ‘ hobby horse ’ club for eight to twelves which attracts over 20 on a Friday evening for folk songs and dance .
9 The epitopes for several monoclonal antibodies raised against human CD2 have been mapped to three discrete regions .
10 The accounts for each subsidiary undertaking shall be prepared on the same basis as those for the company or such adjustments shall be made on consolidation to amend the accounts of each subsidiary undertaking to be equivalent to accounts prepared on such a basis .
11 The accounts for each subsidiary undertaking shall be prepared on the same basis as those for the company or such adjustments shall be made on consolidation to amend the accounts of each subsidiary undertaking to be equivalent to accounts prepared on such a basis .
12 The award for Most Improved Student went to Johnathon Williams .
13 The catalyst for these gloomy thoughts was the magazine produced jointly by the Independent , El Pais , La Repubblica and Le Monde to celebrate Expo ‘ 92 in Seville .
14 Giving cautious backing to the Dengist campaign , Li nevertheless warned that the maintenance of social and political stability was the " prerequisite for reform " , and that the government had to " be on the watch for any ideological trend towards bourgeois liberalization , … otherwise there will be serious consequences " .
15 Hence there will be an intra-organizational battle about the case for that particular innovation .
16 The case for such objective assessment before operation seems particularly strong in women over the age of 50 because they may have suffered occult damage to the anal sphincter during the childbirth and could be at particular risk of a poor functional outcome if the sphincter were to sustain further damage at the time of operation .
17 This is clearly the case for all transgenic mice containing the Long construct , showing a copy number-dependent expression over the range of 1 to 30 copies .
18 Indirect taxes are , as a group , regressive , though this is not the case for all indirect taxes .
19 This may be the case for some manual workers , though by no means all , but there are large numbers of people on low incomes who for one reason or another could be hurt by Labour 's plans .
20 R000231220 will argue the case for this new theory of grammar using ordinary language data , specifying the form a grammar must take as an input system .
21 The point of these observations is not to argue the case for any particular line of explanation , but to emphasize that current approaches in sociolinguistics have not taken us very far in understanding linguistic sex-marking .
22 Starting from scratch in July 1945 , the Government had embarked on a huge legislative programme and laid the foundations for another big instalment in 1946–7 .
23 The foundations for this new form of client/server computing are claimed to be found in the following System 10 vision .
24 The foundations for this new form of client-server computing are claimed to be found in the following System 10 vision .
25 b ) We would expect to maintain the duration clause in the contract for this additional application although we would accept a qualification along the lines of ’ …
26 Go and see the plans for any new development if they have been lodged as a formal application .
27 In considering the liability for such unsafe products , the court must take into account the manner in which it has been marketed , its " get-up " and any warnings and instructions supplied .
28 That project was finally put into the proposals for this financial year , only to be clobbered by the moratorium on capital expenditure .
29 Unfortunately , unpublished material is getting scarce , and once again the plea for any unseen collections goes out — we would be delighted to produce a third volume .
30 He had not been so happy with the farmland which went with the Fish ; his town talents ( he was from Cockermouth , about ten miles away ) had given him neither the patience nor the experience for such niggling country work and — as he was a man who took advice badly — his neighbours had soon left him alone to rot alone .
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