Example sentences of "[art] [noun] i [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Because of the hours I worked at the newspaper office I hardly ever saw any television .
2 I 'm taking here about pure , blind betting of someone who is not attempting to exercise any skill but is just looking at the odds offered by the bookies , and pointing out — and I 'll have a table to demonstrate this in the talk I give at the Open Day — the way in which the rate of return on bets made in this way decreases steadily the longer the odds are offered .
3 In the lavatory I stared at the mirror .
4 In 1980 when Allan Wells won a Gold Medal at the Olympics I looked at the British tracksuits and thought : well , nothing much has changed in 56 years !
5 This is not to say that I will desert the club I love at the first opportunity .
6 The team I tipped at the start of the season are now moving into overdrive .
7 The fact that the position is more complicated , however , should be obvious if we remind ourselves of the point I made at the beginning of Chapter 2 : how variable teachers are .
8 as it was published , she does make allowances , she says some of the statistics I upgraded at the publication of the book
9 All the questions I asked at the beginning were concerned with the Old testament passage and started ‘ Why ? ’ .
10 I assume you can not , for already the feelings I had at the time are inscrutable to me , so imbued was I with an electric sense of occasion .
11 For some reason , Thomas ‘ we make music together ’ Carter crossed my mind , so after delivering the keys to the mechanic I stopped at the ticket agency .
12 At least , that 's the feeling I get at the best of my poetry-reading moments .
13 It was a paeon of praise for the comic I read at the time — a tuppenny coloured one !
14 he , he is n't , he 's a bit , up in the air I think at the moment , he does n't know what he wants to do I do n't think
15 It suits the players I have at the moment . ’
16 Yeah but the the reason I look at the the poxy Hotpoint because they say well , they guarantee their part for five years , alright ?
17 ‘ It means ‘ he ground himself into me ’ , as it says in the book I bought at the airport . ’
18 But the thrill I felt at the strange beauty was swept away as I got out and the wind struck me .
19 ‘ Not the way I look at the moment !
20 So will I have to upgrade by replacement in order to make use of the software I have at the moment ?
21 Well er by the time I arrived at the doorway to the room erm a male person was lying on the floor , spreadeagled er and my job would have been to cover him with the shot gun er to enable P C to go forward and handcuff the chap .
22 But the battles I had at the BBC over The Monocled Mutineer and Tumbledown !
23 A girl I met at a party on Saturday night . ’
24 And many a night I spent at The Greyhound watching Brinsley Schwarz , diligently studying Nick Lowe 's bass playing .
25 On the back of the Topper , a comic I read at the time , was a serial of Robert Louis Stevenson 's Kidnapped , told almost entirely in pictures .
26 As a follower I marvel at the cunning of the quarry and the pertinacity of the pursuers and often have a sneaking admiration for the ‘ one that got away ’ .
27 Last year there was at least the argument that high interest rates were about getting inflation down ( a view I disputed at the time ) .
28 Kids bring out the natural father in me and I get a crinkly mouth every time I look at an ankle snapper .
29 I see that an article I wrote at the time entitled ‘ What should we say to Germany ? ’ reflected this point of view , though with less explicitness .
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