Example sentences of "[art] [noun] which [vb past] been in " in BNC.

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1 I suggested that the latter point could be explained in part by reference to the change in the social composition of the electorate which had been in progress over the '60s .
2 Anyway , ’ his gaze shifted slightly and his tone grew harder , as if he regretted the revelation , ‘ he was forced out of business and lost the boatyard which had been in his family for four generations . ’
3 After reviewing the procedure which had been in force since 1983 , he referred to the decision of the Divisional Court in Ex parte Handscomb and said that he accepted the conclusion of that court : ‘ that there are strong arguments for carrying out this consultation exercise as soon as practicable following the imposition of a discretionary life sentence . ’
4 Once baptised in the fiery power of the Spirit which had been in Jesus , the disciples at once interpret it as the fulfilment of Joel 's prophecy about the availability of the Spirit in the last days , and proclaim the good news to the representative crowd from ‘ every nation under heaven ’ which had gathered in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost ( 2:16ff ) .
5 The SNC agreed to contact the UN Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , requesting him to send personnel to control the ceasefire which had been in force in Cambodia since early May .
6 Osric , king of Northumbria ( 718–29 ) ( HE V , 23 ) , no details of whose reign are known , could have been a son of Ealhfrith or of Aldfrith , and either way his accession will have represented a restoration of Oswiu 's family to royal power ( even if , in the former case , of a branch which had been in political eclipse for half a century ) , but his successor Ceolwulf ( 729–37 ) was a brother of Coenred ( HE V , 23 ) and Ceolwulf 's successor , Eadberht ( 737–58 ) , son of Eata , son of Leodwald , was Ceolwulf 's first cousin .
7 In this way , specific dates can be given to a sequence of finds as more information becomes available : if , for example , a cemetery which had been in use for several decades is excavated , the finds from each grave are studied as individual groups to be fitted into an overall sequence .
8 President Abdou Diouf announced on April 7 that he was appointing the president ( Speaker ) of the National Assembly , Habib Thiam , as Prime Minister , a post which had been in abeyance since 1983 , shortly after Thiam 's removal from it [ see p. 32180 ] .
9 Reclamation of the foreshore to seaward of the Imperial Dock was extended to the Eastern Breakwater to complete a scheme which had been in progress for several years and which would provide additional space for industry .
10 The two also agreed to extend a ceasefire which had been in place since early May [ see pp. 38194-95 ] .
11 I recall having to stand out in the cold at Cotherstone Chapel when one gentleman belonging to a family which had been in the dale for several generations was laid to rest .
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