Example sentences of "[art] [noun] be in [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 The buyer is in fact the only one in a position to begin right at the beginning , to make the preliminary inspections or surveys which should then culminate in the detailed survey at the end — the final chance to say ‘ yes ’ , ‘ no ’ or ‘ maybe ’ .
2 Tempting though it is to believe that the top-priced grands vins must be the biggest bargains of all , the opposite is in fact the case .
3 The contrary is in fact the case , as Gandhi shows .
4 And the loss was in part the loss of some aspect of herself , as irretrievable as past happiness .
5 This objective aspect of the subsection is in fact the most practically important .
6 Clearchus of Soli , another pupil of Aristotle , who must have read his Megasthenes , went a step further and suggested that the Jews were in fact the descendants of the philosophers of India , whom he called Kalanoi .
7 The only er solid part of the wardrobe was in fact the front part , which was made of Sorry about that .
8 Mr. Clark had to get a bricklayer to repair the walls that were broken and he complained that although the schoolmaster was in attendance the whole time , the boys had made it worse than it was before .
9 The whole of the rear half of the fish is in effect the engine for this propeller .
10 I believe the motive is in fact the enjoyment of riding a good horse fast over open country and I can understand that .
11 Important or insignificant , customs appointments were , however , obtainable only by those who could expect a political favour , and many of the officers were in fact the nominees of a member of parliament and often the active partisans of that politician .
12 ( The Napf is in fact the mountain core of the region round which this excursion route executes a nearly circular path , and from which radiate the streams and glens which have intersected the route . )
13 Although they faithfully echoed the time-honoured myth that the Tsarist government stood above social divisions and cared for the interests of all classes , they firmly grasped that the mainstay of the autocracy was in fact the landed nobility .
14 Complementary to the definition of degeneracy is that of rank : for a square matrix , the sum of the degeneracy and rank is the order of the matrix ; thus unc The rank is in fact the order of the largest nonvanishing minor of
15 the arguments are in fact the same
16 Records Managers fell into two groups ; the first suggesting that the e-mail message had no legal status since , there was no signature and , due to the lack of control over people allowing their staff access to personal accounts via their own password , there was no proof that the sender was in fact the account holder from which the message was logged .
17 Thus , if it is believed that the government is in fact the state , it may also be believed that the assumption of governmental power is equivalent to the acquisition of state power .
18 One of the moons is in fact the remains of another planet , and it is one of the conclusions of our survey that this is a world which was resettled during the Second Empire . ’
19 The vision was in fact the peak of Sgurr an Lochain , the penultimate top along a ridge traversing the crest of the southern wall of Kintail in a westerly direction , and incorporating the wonderful heights of .
20 It is difficult to escape the suspicion , on reading the detailed notes of this affair , that the complainants were in fact the master and matron themselves .
21 If the goal is in view the player will sometimes make a shot .
22 As I stumbled along , she told me that the present appearance of the castle was in part the creation of the hotel people , who had joined two separate buildings together .
23 I mean and I think it is the lack of the regulate the er the regulatory control of city actions , I mean one of the points that we 've been recently been advised on is that one of the city institutions which has already been er fined , er from its London office on a technicality is in effect the New York and London offices are deemed to be one entity and I think that er what we 've been advised is that erm I forget the phrase , I wrote it down here somewhere , that what we would be advised to do is to take action against that particular city institution in New York , because that er it is deemed that the London and New York actions are in fact one and that the that er what in fact the er and I think the f yes , there it is , that , that in a way though what we 've been advised is that the basis of that action would be that the organisations London and New York operations are essentially the same operation and bound by a strict know your customer rule as mandated by U S Securities Law , you know .
24 Er the Noble Baroness is is right erm we do notice that where a consultant is in charge the difference is very great indeed , I 'm afraid I do n't have the figure but I will certainly give it to her , er but also we know that where there are er hospital discharge managers where senior nurses are bed managers , the difference is really quite considerable er and that is what I was saying in terms of managing the process .
25 The objection in another part is that in order to confirm an hypothesis that an effect was in fact the effect of a causal circumstance of a certain type , we do need an enumeration of elements , and often we do not have an enumeration .
26 Once an argument is in progression the child may feel that there is an increased likelihood of the parent 's giving in .
27 Autofocus does have draw-backs though — when an animal is in foliage the camera may focus on the undergrowth and not the animal .
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