Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [to-vb] and [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Officers did not go out of the camp to work and they had no contact with women .
2 With the tension reaching boiling point , it was finally announced that the French officials had allowed the result to stand and they had to be applauded for a sporting decision .
3 In one sense , businesses are licensed by the community to operate and you have to work within the terms of the licence , which tend to change .
4 If we are going to deliver to the people to whom we as elected members owe the highest duty , that 's the people who are in receipt of our services the sort of quality service that we , that they deserve then I have to say that we can have as many reports of this nature as we like , but you have got to acknowledge the need to change and you have got to stop resenting the rights of parents and governors to run schools , you 've got to stop being obstructive to competitive tendering and you have got to stop arguing for the retention of services where it 's patently obvious that there 's over provision .
5 ‘ Thunder , ’ said Umbara headman of the Ywin tribe , ‘ is the voice of Him ( and he pointed upwards to the sky ) calling on the rain to fall and everything to grow up new . '
6 Here is one of the fastest growing services in the public sector over the decade to come and we 've entrusted local government with it .
7 Newcastle took the lead after a quarter of an hour , but a shot from Northampton 's Bradshaw was too powerful for the keeper to hold and it went over his head into the net .
8 The larger the extension tube , the closer the camera to the subject to photograph and one has to select the correct tube or combination to suit the situation .
9 He raised the knife to stab and she succeeded in knocking it away .
10 She stood poised for a moment , stretched her mouth wide , licked her lips , moved her shoulders from side to side , then let her body sway , waited for the chorus to finish and the verse to start and she went on .
11 the bell to get the bus to stop and he goes to the next flaming stop !
12 Ha the information that we 've put out so far were our second reprint of the er of the black booklet of which there 'll be twelve thousand , they are quite an expensive item and , but our feeling was that er in order to sell the thing you 've got to do it properly and er spending money does n't come easily but er er in order to market the thing er thought that was the , the way to go and we 've done other things , stickers and badges and posters and so on and so forth , the normal sort of things but we 've really tried to spread these around the country and get the message that it 's a vibrant young er interesting fun thing to be involved in for young people .
13 As for the nuclear test ban treaty , for as long as it is necessary for us to have nuclear weapons , we require the ability to test and we propose to keep the ability to test .
14 Tug found it repulsive , but he had not the energy to resist and he let Doyle lead him upstairs as a father leads a child .
15 She said nobody 'll Nob they all say they have n't got the power to prosecute and I said well the N R A has .
16 'I 'd tell you the whole bitter story , but you do n't have the time to listen and I do n't have the patience to explain .
17 I need her to go and fetch the fruit from the grenier and then there 's the table to lay and I do n't know what .
18 It 's obviously a hell of a technique to master and somebody told me that , just to make things worse , you grinned when you did it !
19 He picks up a guitar to demonstrate and I notice that his picking action seems to be coming from his elbow , with a fairly stiff forearm …
20 But towards end when she only , she only had a pound to lose and she paid about six week on run to go to get weighed to tell her she was exactly same weight .
21 If you go for a job , or a place to live and they send you away , it 's racism .
22 There 's no room to manoeuvre and we got no lock on our car .
23 A patient 's attention should be drawn to the fact that he has a right to complain and we have taken steps to do so .
24 He 'd no place to live and they 'd ganged up on him .
25 They had no need to speak and they did not do so .
26 But he said , I said it as a joke when she was asking me about my flying and I said I do n't do as much flying as I 'd like to , I 've , I 've got a wife to support and she takes all the money .
27 Er these gentlemen have a presentation to make and I wonder if Ron would come up here for a moment , please .
28 ‘ I said some time ago that there was a mile to go and we had to go half a mile each , and the Community went more than its half a mile .
29 I had a paper to say and they said there was too much money coming in here a week , because you were working that I could n't get anything and I , it said , I wrote , it , it all come when I wrote to say could I have relief off of prescriptions cos I was on that H I V at the time
30 They need food , shelter , a space to live and they need to be protected .
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