Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [v-ing] [adj] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 He was soon overpowered with either sleep or cold , when his faithful defendant , who had closely attended to every step , scratched away the snow so as to throw up a sort of protecting wall around his helpless master ; then mounting upon the exposed body , rolled himself round and lay upon his master 's bosom , for which his shaggy coat proved a most seasonable covering and eventual protection during the dreadful severity of the night , the snow falling all the time .
2 They also avoid the division of parts , as if it were something of extreme difficulty , and forget altogether that it is by no means necessary to have all the voices singing all the time .
3 She shepherded him towards the Captain talking all the time .
4 Mabel began to get anxious ; why was the bus taking such a time ?
5 I tend to play with the wah on the treble setting all the time which gives you an incredibly trebly sound and it 's really hard to make that sound good because it distorts and feeds back all the time .
6 I came across from Oban — made a run for it , with the weather worsening all the time , but got here safely and made straight for our bay .
7 That argues that you ca n't make the weather interesting all the time .
8 And the problem is exacerbated with the level of competition on the market increasing all the time — many hardware vendors , for example , are trying to boost dwindling profits by moving into this arena — many observers question whether IBM Corp can actually make money from facilities management .
9 We were weary and did n't spare a thought for how she must be feeling — sick in the mornings , with a husband flying all the time .
10 Yes , yes , it does n't compete with the fireplace , we have a , a , er mock fire in there you know , normally in the winter that , that 's on and it looks , it 's very realistic , it almost looks as if it is a fire glowing all the time cos there 's a rotary spinner in it and it flickers , er , and er the room is very warm because it 's central heated anyway and , no I would n't say , it never bothers me the television , I do n't suppose that er , if I were left on my own I 'd hardly have it left on you know I think men watch television more than women .
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