Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb base] [det] [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 And , full speed ahead … the business sideline that 's helping farmers rake in the cash .
2 When the roaring giant of a tube train came , the fag sucker suddenly withdrew his double-buckled shoes from the concrete and became a little scuttling pixie to compete with all the other scuttling pixies , but managed a further quick change to a hunched-up half-shut-marble-eyed frowny scowling monkey as he took his tense unrest out on the floor of the tube train that was carrying him to his necessary employment .
3 The capital standards , negotiated through the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) , are a natural scapegoat for the credit squeeze that is deepening the recessions in Britain and America and may provoke one in Japan .
4 The following sections look at the outreach work that is taking place around the country to make the CAB more accessible to groups who could not otherwise easily reach a bureau .
5 I mean , of course , the mid-life change that 's making the woman you love so difficult .
6 ‘ There was also this electric in the studio fan that was making a horrible squeaking noise , we could n't get it to stop , so we sampled it . ’
7 Well , he 's walking through the clouds with a circus mind that 's running wild .
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