Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb pp] [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 The victor settled in the long grass , wings outspread to show the four pairs of conspicuous circle ‘ eyes ’ , scenting the air to attract a female , and to warn off males .
2 The field stretched in a long oblong down the valley side , filling their eyes .
3 She had n't been paying much attention to the journey , and did n't have any idea of where they were ; the archway led into a long courtyard with a cobbled surface and small , squeezed-in houses to either side .
4 The words finished on a long , drawn breath while she waited for the words she had no wish to hear .
5 The half ended with a long lob from the LOI midfield and on to it runs Dave Tilson with a beautiful header which left Beeney stranded .
6 Perhaps the attitude developed during a long period of established practice and little change .
7 Added to these was another important element , for the period of the festival was a time of licence : this was a necessary outlet in the community for the tensions repressed after the long period of hard physical toil .
8 The Duke arranged for a long avenue Or lime trees to be planted alongside a driveway leading from the main road that ran westward from London ( Chiswick High Road ) and sweeping into his Chiswick House grounds and , despite having been cut in two by the dual carriageway of the Great West Road Extension , it still remains as Dukes Avenue .
9 Sources of income and wealth had rapidly diversified as the economy developed over the long eighteenth century , so a graduated tax on incomes was a logical development to collect revenue from a merchant and manufacturing class which had hardly been as heavily burdened as either the landowners or the poor consumers .
10 The man screamed as the long tapering fingers and joints of a gauntlet-hand came around the edge , like the claws of a huge crab .
11 By the time they arrive at Maidstone , there fore , most have settled into the routines imposed by a long sentence of imprisonment and most do at least feel that some progress through the system is being achieved .
12 The men talked for a long time .
13 When the summer ripened into the long hot days of harvest , Davis sought an audience with Stephen .
14 Once the immediate crisis of 1940 had been weathered and the country embarked upon the long haul of productive effort and austerity , groups like the ‘ 1941 Committee ’ pressed Britain 's war aims in terms of plans for the future .
15 If the long and complex passage of Athenaeus 6 ( 273a–275b ) , which Felix Jacoby gives as fragment 59 , can be considered a trustworthy summary of Posidonius ' views about Roman civilization , two features emerge : ( a ) the Romans preserved for a long time their extreme simplicity of life ; ( b ) in that long period they learnt many techniques from various foreigners ( Greeks , Etruscans , Samnites and Iberians ) and their constitutional principles from the Spartans .
16 A window opened with a long pole .
17 The ground floor consisted of stables , coach-houses , tackrooms and storehouses , while above , in addition to apartments occupied by unmarried male outdoor staff , was a room known as the Long Room .
18 The short process of giving birth to a baby seemed to her a triviality compared to the long haul of rearing it that lay ahead .
19 Likewise , a path of sand and stones leading up to a triptich centred on a long industrial corridor with female figures int he images either side battling as if caught within transparent plastic , their head hidden behind their arms , is marked by a continuous figure-of-eight swirl on the sand .
20 Admittedly , we on the ground were not the ones who put their lives in danger every night , but as far as the air crew were concerned it was a job they had volunteered to do and they did it willingly , believing that every effort counted in the long run .
21 An Astropath on board a barge bound on the long slow haul from Karkason to the dwarf partner star , Karka Secundus , had chanced to eavesdrop on a telepathic message from the mining world to one of those agric planets that Sagramoso had seduced , using pirates paid with power crystals as his emissaries — pirates who had made themselves scarce with their illicit starships when the crusade had come through the Warp to Karka 's Sun .
22 A family likeness can be seen among all the boys , every face dominated by a long curved nose .
23 He handed me an eyepiece attached to a long lead and there , through a series of prisms , were my lower intestines in glorious technicolour .
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