Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [coord] [verb] down the " in BNC.

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1 She had reached the edge of the park and looked down the slopes to the fair in the dell on the far side .
2 Meanwhile , I had to go up into the roof and push down the ballcock when things went wrong .
3 ‘ I knew because it 's got a band of those black and white checks across the bonnet and the roof and running down the back .
4 With a brisk nod Polly relinquished the wheel and dived down the companionway .
5 Dietary fibre is a sponge-like material which absorbs and holds water as it is chewed in the mouth and passes down the gastro-intestinal tract .
6 Whether , at the tender age of nineteen , he will be able to withstand the gruelling concert tour he has won remains to be seen ; Radu Lupu , who won the competition in 1966 , accepted the trophy but turned down the year of free promotion and international débuts .
7 On one occasion they locked him in a bedroom and he threw a wooden brick through the window and tore down the curtains .
8 In spite of the temptation to get the car warmed up , I switch off the engine and wind down the window .
9 She walked to the desk and put down the vase and by the time she had done this Gabriel was gone .
10 They found the cutting and scrambled down the slopes of the cutting enjoying the freedom , the old hut looked interesting and they soon explored the area , that had reverted back to nature .
11 She came to the rehearsal and came down the bridge over the orchestra where I was directing , and she said to the manager , ‘ If this veil remains , I do not sing . ’
12 Then he went to the front of the shop and pulled down the blinds .
13 Mr Paul Wolfowitz , under-secretary for defence policy , warned against trying to cash in the potential defence savings too early , by bringing home the troops and scaling down the armed forces before the situation in Europe had stabilised to the point where a sensible long-term policy could be drafted .
14 He put his arm through the handle of the basket , picked up the oil-lamp and moved down the hall on slippered feet .
15 Juliet thrust back the file and hurried down the ward .
16 By choosing one of the colours and holding down the shift key , you can then create your own colour , but rather than adding a new colour to the palette this replaces the original .
17 This changes , subtly , the colours and tones down the most garish of shades .
18 Sapt will get the key from the Duke and let down the drawbridge .
19 He hauled his bike out of the shed and raced down the village .
20 Fowler took it , opened the breech and looked down the twin barrels .
21 He switched on the lights and drove down the tank paths towards the front gate .
22 He wanted to scream and shout , beat the wall and call down the forces of destruction .
23 The pattern maker 's lathe made fast work of this , the cutter mounted on the cross-slide and wound down the length of the wood .
24 ‘ Nova Scotia ’ is a laid-back , somewhat funky groove hidden inside an eggshell rhythm , defying all the traditions but laying down the ground-rules for a music destined to be the ‘ rock ’ of the future .
25 When the men had gone back to the Inn Allen dropped out of the tree and ran down the slope to her .
26 Push the crate left onto the button , stand on the conveyor belt , duck and go left , jump up two platforms and crawl right , through the wall , collect the speaker , go back out of the cave and jump up , go right at the top and fall down the hole , go right and jump over the crate and push it left onto the button , go up on the lift , then right , jump onto the crate on the top platform and push it right , then left onto the button .
27 As soon as he turned the corner , I grabbed the wallet and sprinted down the alley .
28 ‘ Spy plane already , ’ said Lee leaning out of the hide and shooting down the plane with an imaginary machine gun .
29 After pushing the desk and all the other furniture to the walls , she spread out four maps on the floor , matching the edges and weighing down the corners with whatever came to hand — the wastepaper basket , the little tin box , the gun .
30 Sick , sick day , ’ she moaned as she wiped the shelves of the fridge and turned down the temperature knob so that the intrusive crusts of ice would melt .
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