Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adv] [verb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 But , no matter how much Steven made his camera swoop and glide and giddy-up around the sets , he could n't stop them from looking like boring old panto scenery , especially since the galleon never put out to sea ( which would have been too mega-expensive ) , and the Lost Boys ' camp was crammed full of Starlight Express -style skate-boarding tracks .
2 The sharpener simply clamps on to the bar of the saw , and the grinding wheel slots automatically into the teeth of the chain .
3 The project review dates are indicated by a vertical dotted line , and at this time a horizontal line is drawn beneath each bar to indicate the progress actually made up to that date .
4 The project review dates are indicated by a vertical dotted line , and at this time a horizontal line is drawn beneath each bar to indicate the progress actually made up to that date .
5 In most cases , the stem simply withers back to the first node , and remains as an unsightly brown spur .
6 For instance , a manufacturer may sell defective goods which the buyer then sells on to a third party who suffers loss or injury because of the defect .
7 Without another word she went back into the kitchen then came out to him , closed the front door after her without locking it and got into the car .
8 In Wordperfect 's estimation the resellers usually make up to five times the money from installation and integration as from the actual product sale .
9 The witch-hunt then moved on to try to unseat the editor of Borba and it is clearly the intention of the Serbian nationalists , who have seized control of the Serbian Party , that they should control all newspapers and journals published in Belgrade , even if they are federal organs such as Borba .
10 The user currently logged on to LIFESPAN via PI is not an assessor of the DC , therefore access is denied .
11 The user currently logged on to LIFESPAN via PI is not the associated user of the DCs listed , therefore they can not be activated via the package .
12 The user currently logged on to LIFESPAN via PI is not the associated user of the DC , therefore access is denied .
13 From the priority date , the patentee normally has up to 12 months to apply for patents in other countries .
14 A human gene can be inserted into fibroblasts using a retroviral vector , and the skin then grafted back to the donor .
15 The play then moves on to Faustus 's last scene as he awaits the elapse of his twenty-four-year contract in a fit of anxiety and apprehension .
16 The delegation then moved on to South Cleveland Hospital .
17 The light now dies down to a mere flicker of ‘ fire ’ , appropriate enough considering the onslaught of death imagery with ‘ death-bed ’ , ‘ ashes ’ , ‘ expire ’ and perhaps , again , ‘ consumed ’ .
18 When the shepherd eventually limped back to civilisation and told his unlikely tale , the authorities located the treasure and imprisoned the shepherd for theft .
19 He 'd make $500,000 for every dollar the stock rises or $46m if the stock ever gets back to the $145 range .
20 The interview then moved on to the consideration of the Head of Department 's departmental work , but kept drifting back to his ambition for wider experience .
21 By now you will have stimulated the circulation enough to move on to the next stage , which is kneading .
22 Except , ’ she added regretfully , ‘ the presents usually turn out to be nicked .
23 Imagine that you can hear the waves gently lapping on to the soft sand .
24 The practice in the club eventually leads on to grading competitions where new players try to lose their white belts and progress up through the colours until , usually as young adults , they experience the magical moment of putting on that black belt for the first time .
25 The boat now heads back to the north shore to call at Gersau , the third of the lakeside resorts sheltered by the Rigi massif .
26 I do n't know whether it would be helpful , sir , if Mrs could indicate on the plan recently handed in to you
27 Erm , having looked at all that , I think what the issue really boils down to essentially is the willingness of the County Council and I suppose the panel , having heard what er the debate , to accept what I think is really a modest level of flexibility er er requested by the District Council .
28 Among those giving evidence were two care workers , who said the girl regularly arrived back to the home in the early hours of the morning and sometimes not at all .
29 We reported to the reception desk at Ingard House and the girl there rang through to Mr. Ingard .
30 but you can also say I want a transaction too and the machine then comes back to you with one of these sepulchral voices , you know , which is tone
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