Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adv] [verb] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 On occasion there were more serious charges where preliminary hearings were held and the case either dismissed or passed on for trial at a higher court .
2 As they turned a corner on the path , the clerk suddenly stopped and grasped Ranulf by the arm .
3 It is more orthodox in arrangement and pedestrian in style but the subject is well covered , the explanations clear and the illustrations well drawn and captioned .
4 An increase of the CCPR both preceded and accompanied colorectal carcinogenesis but reduction of the CCPR was not invariably accompanied by reduced carcinogenes .
5 The life of the University both did and did not go on .
6 In the previous chapter it was emphasised that the authorities deliberately promoted and condoned violence , crime and racketeering in order to alienate both terrorist and legitimate political opponents of the government from their natural sympathisers .
7 The air-gargoyles gently sucked and puffed the aromatic smoke into strange curlicues as if sketching the features of potential daemons which might lurk outside the hull .
8 The wind and the rain and the snow still howled and blasted through the ragged aperture where the window had blown out , but the electricity and lightning seemed to have gone .
9 Precisely how he was to be enticed aboard a suitable vessel remained in doubt , particularly as the DEA neither owned nor controlled a suitable vessel .
10 The guards still yawned and leaned .
11 The premium rate suggested by him would be equivalent to an amount in excess of £1 billion ( $1.95 billion ) for a syndicate with a capacity of £41m ; this in addition to the losses already paid and reserved .
12 The Dragoons closest to the Prussians immediately turned and galloped back up the slope towards their comrades .
13 Acting on impulse , he slipped into the car , and tried to start it , but the engine simply coughed and died .
14 Once I did ask Agnes about the Luciferi but the girl just paled and shook her head .
15 ( 2 ) Where the Council has within three months beginning with the date when an application for recognition was received by the Council neither granted nor refused recognition , an appeal to the Master of the Rolls may be brought under paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to the Act as if the application had been refused by the Council .
16 The aim must be to help the child and keep the parents fully informed and advised .
17 With regard to points three and four above , the prosecution has the choice of proving that the tippee either knew or had reasonable cause to believe the stipulated circumstances .
18 I base this theory on having seen the fish both distressed and inflated , but never at the same time .
19 The boards overhead buckled and dropped little clouds of dust as great thumping steps wandered around the office .
20 However , complete interpretation of the statement Mary noticed that her lip was bleeding requires the bridging inference that the teacher actually struck and hurt Mary .
21 The Cellinis both nodded and smiled .
22 The coroner suddenly stopped and stared into his wine cup , and the good humour drained from his face .
23 At last the father fell down on to the pavement completely exhausted and convinced he was going to meet his maker there and then .
24 For example : the traditional notation regarding ‘ on board ’ loading was replaced by a ‘ taking in charge ’ statement ; the traditional prohibition against transhipment was eliminated , because transhipment was of the essence in combined transport ; since the transport commonly originated and finished inland , the terms ‘ place of receipt ’ and ‘ place of delivery ’ were inserted in separate boxes , either replacing the traditional ‘ port of loading ’ and ‘ port of discharge ’ or joining them as additional specifications ; and since often times the name of the vessel was not known or could not be established with certainty at the time of issuance , the box for the vessel 's name was modified to refer to an ‘ intended vessel . ’
25 When projected , the miniature red , blue and green checks shone through the corresponding densities of image forming dark and light tone in the mono transparency , and the eye naturally resolved and mixed the colours to form an image closely resembling nature .
26 When projected , the minute red , blue and green checks shone through the corresponding densities of image forming dark and light tone in the mono transparency , and the eye naturally resolved and mixed the colours to form an image closely resembling nature .
27 While this may be " absurd " , there are other hints that the position was more complex than the Encomiast either knew or wanted to admit .
28 Further , if they are accompanied by other acts such as putting the goods so removed and relabelled into a receptacle , whether a trolley or the shopper 's own bag or basket , proof of appropriation within section 3(1) becomes overwhelming .
29 The toddler instantly stiffened and went as rigid as a board .
30 A source close to Hutchence , at No 32 with Baby Do n't Cry , said : ‘ Michael and Helena spent the night together dancing and appeared very happy .
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