Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] the [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 Each offers a unique atmosphere , from the grandeur of the Renaissance Palace at Stirling Castle to the intimacy of the Gallery at Aberdour Castle .
2 Nevertheless it is important that every member of a firm should be familiar with at least the basic arrangements for its administration and should not be denied access to information about the activities of the firm at any level , subject always to their giving reasonable notice .
3 There were no hard-porn videos available on the activities of The Fox at the time this new offender was committing his offence , only the soft-porn reporting of the popular newspapers , which were describing the atrocities with such vivid detail as they occurred .
4 According to reports , the investigation has centred on the activities of the cult at an address in north London and more recently at a manor house at Lutterworth , Leics .
5 The activities of the Conference at its Seventh Session in 1951 led to the signature of a new Convention on Civil Procedure of 1 March 1954 , but its substantive provisions are almost identical with those of 1905 .
6 The income of the chantry at Clipsham was assessed at £7 , which further enquiry reveals to have included a pension of 7s. issuing from certain lands in Lincolnshire .
7 Each operative will receive a defined share of the income from the trust at regular intervals and on retirement will receive a pension or on death a grant will be paid .
8 Much to the disapproval of the majority of the congregation at this time , a petition was sent to Queen Victoria , and eventually Lowe was dismissed by Lord Palmerston , but he was still supported by the Bishop of London who had issued his licence .
9 Interviews play no part in the selection procedure for the majority of the faculties at Edinburgh ; decisions are made on the basis of the information submitted on the UCAS form .
10 Perhaps it would be better to seek the contemporary witness of the Spirit in ecumenical discussions , where all could contribute their special insight and the Holy Spirit would , doubtless , be found along with the majority of the votes at the end of the day ?
11 The weakness of the government at its roots was demonstrated by the events at Stockport in March 1920 , when a vacancy occurred there ; weeks of argument were solved only by the resignation of the other sitting member , so that there could be a double by-election with one Unionist and one Liberal candidate as in 1918 .
12 The De Haan family , which owns 63 per cent of the travel to financial services company , said it was considering an offer to buy the remainder of the shares at about £3 each .
13 Daphne Du Maurier in her The Rebecca Notebook says she will , when in France , just sit in a cafe and let the conversation or the attitudes of the people at nearby tables gradually impinge .
14 The banning of the CPSU at the end of August did not extend to the DPKR and , at the end of October 1991 , the DPKR held its first congress .
15 David Levine 's study of four villages between about 1600 and 1850 with different social and economic profiles , has shown the complexity of the factors at work .
16 Does he agree that it is a sign of considerable leadership that , right in the teeth of the complexity of the negotiations at Maastricht , the Prime Minister should have recognised that the awesome events on the other side of Europe may have an even larger say in the history of Europe ?
17 Secondly , an emphasis on the complexity of the issues at hand prohibits the portrayal of the Black community as either problem or victim , a recurrent feature of much race relations discourse and popular debate , and a recurrent feature also of much discussion of inner city communities generally .
18 He should be the link between the professionals at head office and the local knowledge of the on-the-spot workers .
19 Mr Plant drove the base of the bottle at Timothy 's stomach , but Timothy side-stepped away from it .
20 Across the base of the triangle at the northern end ran a fine avenue of horsechestnut trees , linking the two roads and , behind them , facing towards St Andrew 's , across the green , stood five sturdy old houses , built of that pleasantly sunny Cotswold stone which reminds one of honeycombs , golden afternoons and warm and mellow bliss .
21 Acquitted with Hatton , 44 , on the direction of the judge at Mold Crown Court were builder Roy Stewart and former Liverpool City councillor Hannah Folan .
22 Benny nodded her head up in the direction of the convent at the end of the town .
23 Less important , these maps show up clearly the direction of the wind at the time of the eruption , since the isopachs are all elongated downwind .
24 Even though the Prime Minister has not incorporated the provision into the agreement at Maastricht , does he not agree that it is high time that we in this country also took those steps for ourselves ?
25 The MSS ‘ sees ’ through an angle of only 11° so the distance from the sensor to the ground at any point on the image is not too variable .
26 We think that on balance we have er the majority of the support of the public at large within Greater York , that this is the strategic er approach that is necessary for Greater York , it 's necessary to protect the greenbelt and it 's necessary to protect communities and villages er in and around erm Greater York .
27 Its artistic value was underlined by the support of the country at large when its regular broadcast on BBC Radio 3 came under threat .
28 Hawke refused to stand down , however , claiming that he continued to command the support of the country at large and indicating that he would confront Keating in a leadership ballot .
29 Outside but shadowing the DM , we deny ourselves the support of the system at times of currency fluctuation .
30 ‘ Outside , but shadowing the Deutschmark , we deny ourselves the support of the system at times of currency fluctuation . ’
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