Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun sg] can be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now if the stimulus is not sustained , if the if the glucose stimulus is not sustained , the calcium load can be cleared , the elevated free calcium inside the cell can be cleared for example by a calcium A T P ase , since the calcium channels were shut .
2 For every pound of apples eaten , the cholesterol level can be reduced by one per cent .
3 It is often said that the tonic syllable can be identified because it is the only syllable in the tone-unit that carries a movement in pitch ; this is in fact not always true .
4 The reliability approach can be made more elaborate ; in some ways it is closely related to the causal approach considered next , because we are clearly owed an account of what reliability is , and a causal answer is tempting ( see , e.g. , Goldman , 1979 ) .
5 The shell model can be combined with the collective aspects of the drop model to produce formalisms called macroscopic-microscopic models .
6 First , that the verb legare can be used in a neutral sense meaning not ‘ to leave property by legacy ’ but quite simply ‘ to leave ’ without presumption as to the kind of legal institution involved .
7 Thus , for a given rate of national income , equilibrium in the money market can be illustrated graphically , as shown in Fig. 4.3 .
8 The money supply can be reduced directly by using open market operations .
9 Lattice enthalpies determined through the Born-Haber cycle can be regarded as experimental values since the lattice enthalpies are calculated from experimental values .
10 Similarly , the misspelling abscence can be cured by reminding pupils of absent , and drawing attention to sent again .
11 Notice that the technique is extremely difficult to apply to the potentiometer divider of figure 8.1(c) because the resistance ratio can be varied continuously to alter the division of potential , and any introduced ratio of parallel capacitance would need to be capable of being varied in sympathy .
12 The text flow can be interrupted at any time by clicking the mouse or the flow method can be altered to semi-automatic or back to manual by clicking in conjunction with the Command or Shift keys .
13 The lambing season can be frought with difficulty , but thanks to the lambing bank there 's a happy ending for at least some orphans .
14 The field research can be carried out almost anywhere in the world though the project has to be designed with the assistance of the staff and is subject to their approval .
15 The garter carriage can be used to knit a ribbed welt , but always remember that if you set the garter carriage to knit a 24 row welt and then leave it , that is all it will achieve .
16 The radar scanner can be seen on the top of the Lock Control Building at the Entrance Lock .
17 The fluorite structure can be viewed as a face-centred cubic arrangement of cations within which the anions are arranged tetrahedrally .
18 There is no need to pour or pump the liquid , and the Werax connector can be used on another barrel after tapping .
19 BELOW The remains of kilns after the firing experiment can be analysed and excavated to be compared with excavated examples .
20 If the potatoes have been peeled the cooking water can be used for sauces or soups .
21 Sometimes the negotiating game can be played a little more skilfully .
22 As we shall see in 6.3 , the interrupt facility can be expanded to switch instruction sequences on the occurrence of many different events ; further we will see the need for a means of ensuring that at critical times the computer is able to ignore all but a subset of these events .
23 The University Card can be used exactly like any other credit card , in particular the card is currently free for the first six months .
24 Sometimes the inlet pipe can be eased over a little and the overflow trimmed to suit .
25 The prostate gland can be involved by infection , both gonococcal and non-gonococcal , and in order to tell whether it is inflamed it is helpful to be able to examine some of the fluid that it secretes .
26 If you are not to be the owner of the module , the user name can be changed .
27 If you are not to be the owner of the module , the user name can be changed .
28 In the limit of small θ the expansion can be used , and the coil size can be estimated from without assuming a particular model .
29 More fundamentally , the Lucas point can be seen as suggesting that the constant structure of the economy , which it is a major aim of the macroeconomist to reveal , is much more deeply hidden than econometric model builders might previously have thought .
30 ANDREW SMITH 'S TIP : The Honey Gourami can be found in the Brahmaputra Basin , India Assam , Bangladesh , and around Dacca .
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