Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun pl] over " in BNC.

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1 First , the existence of the plateaux over appreciable ranges of Vg ( Figure 2 ) does not match preconceived ideas for quantised motion .
2 In the discussions with the monks over the qualities of Benedict as Bishop it is stated that they carefully discussed the matter with each other and also with the Archbishop at the Prior 's lodgings and also at Halling .
3 We had ample occupation watching the play of the clouds over the sides of the hills , and the bits of rugged moor and moss and flowing stream that enlivened the way ; but at a turning within some three miles of the inn of Kinlochewe , as we were about to pass the east-going mail gig with its complement of travellers , our driver jerked the horses into a ditch , which upset our machine and broke one of the springs .
4 In 1986 , he destroyed at a single stroke the stranglehold of the unions over the British newspaper industry by removing his operation overnight to non-union Wapping .
5 First August — a very welcome trip with the driver of the jeep to the bridges over the Orne .
6 It was then Gedanken realized that all along she had been hearing the voices of the beetles over a loudspeaker .
7 This was the essence of the arguments over management structure in Sheffield and elsewhere in the late 1960s ( Hampton 1972 ) .
8 The confluence of the difficulties over a further Cassell renewal of funding ; the prospect of the focus of her work shifting to Huntingdonshire , and the arrival of Lee in 1931 was perceived by Miss Green as an indication of preparations for her displacement in Northamptonshire and eventual redundancy ; for which there appears to be no documentary basis .
9 Thousands of students left their dormitories , enraged by the attitude of the authorities over election procedures and their refusal to permit change .
10 Most of these options have been taken up in the days of the controversies over Christology .
11 First , the adoption of lightweight construction for new partition walls and the structure of the upper floor , although kind to the integrity of the original building fabric , has led to excessive sound transmission between rooms , a condition which is exacerbated by the inversion of the normal domestic arrangement — ie , the siting of the living-rooms over the bedrooms .
12 LORD TEBBIT vowed yesterday that the ‘ wretched ’ Maastricht treaty could still be defeated in the Commons , despite the setback to the Euro-rebels over the social chapter .
13 ‘ And we dropped the rest of the weapons over the side into the sea before leaving the ship .
14 Pupils of the town 's Philip Morant School will plant the rest of the trees over the next few months on the proposed Gosbecks Archaeological Park near the school .
15 She is patting Xanthe softly now , dreamily , and she stands her up and drops the nightdress with the rabbits over the little girl 's head , and turns her to fasten the top pearl button at the back .
16 Not unexpectedly , his defence of the major-generals in the debates over the decimation bill was ‘ hot ’ .
17 I also set up snares and trip-wires linked to glass bottles in the grass on the dunes over the creek , so that if anybody tried to sneak up they would either catch themselves or snag the wire , pulling the bottle out of its hole in the sand and down on to a stone .
18 This fact is reflected in Greek myth , which commemorates the victory of the Olympians over the Titans .
19 It was inspired by the victory of the Poles over the Turks in Bessarabia in 1621 and sings of the heroism of the Slavs in their long fight against the infidels .
20 It is the peculiar human ability to re-organize and re-describe and re-evaluate from novel points of view that makes for the superiority of the consultants over any set of bibliographical instruments , as well as the human ability to recognize a question as misconceived or stupid .
21 Standing on the corpses they laugh and joke , holding the bodies of the babies over their heads like trophies , pitching them back and forth like footballs . ’
22 To the passengers in the skies over the Atlantic drinking free champagne to celebrate the first anniversary of Virgin Atlantic , oblivious to all the dramas which had unfolded to keep them airborne , it probably would have seemed a bargain .
23 In experimental work on the viscosity of the alkanes over a wide range of temperature Doolittle found however that the simple relation where A and B are constants gave a very much better fit to the experimental data , than the Andrade equation From the discussion we have given it is clear that fv is only a linear function of T if the expansion of the liquid is given by the linear equation and this is only true over small temperature ranges .
24 Mrs McHugh said her work for reconciliation would continue : ‘ It 's good to see ordinary people come out today , especially in the wake of the bombings over the last few days .
25 Jim stayed at the door with the clothes over his forearm , listening and waiting .
26 It should be remembered that it is the consistency of the results over a number of items and not isolated examples which suggest that the context favours girls .
27 Presently treading water as a three-year-old compiler house , Portland Group Inc , Wilsonville , Oregon , is expected to grab the bull by the horns over the next couple of months and put in place strategies which it claims will lead the company into more profitable software markets .
28 The bees shiver their indirect night muscles , which ( ‘ buzz ’ ) vibration promotes the expulsion of a cloud of pollen grains from the tips of the anthers over the insects .
29 I mean we 've only got to have a look at the recent events in London went on about the insurances over the bombings over the weekend have n't we ?
30 The arms positioned alongside the body turn in at the elbows with the hands over the groin .
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