Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [noun] to a " in BNC.

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1 Just as the response of households to a tax increase has to be taken into account , so too one needs to consider what political constraints the government faces in making such decisions and what machinery is necessary in order to put them into effect .
2 The addition of oboes to a high melodic cello passage gives it great poignancy , and at the same time counteracts the tendency towards thinness of tone which is apt to be somewhat distressing unless the cellos are both first-rate and numerous .
3 In 1964 , Phillips proposed that the addition of glucose to a properly balanced electrolyte solution would result in an oral treatment regimen which might replace the requirement for intravenous fluids altogether .
4 The addition of scent to a rose is the way we recognise it as a true rose .
5 Non-specifically bound polymerase was removed by the addition of heparin to a final concentration of 400 µg/ml .
6 One of the most influential twentieth-century exponents of realism , Hans J. Morgenthau , provides extensive discussion of the ‘ elements of state power ’ , cautioning against the reduction of power to a single factor .
7 For similar reasons , the new sociologists of deviance were hostile to what appeared to them to be the reduction of crime to a ‘ technical ’ problem .
8 It does appear that from the late 1950s he took a back seat , leaving the direction of affairs to a collective leadership : Giap as military chief , Pham Van Dong as premier , Truong Chinh as formulator of ideology , Nguyen Duy Trinh as planner and programmer and Le Duan , brought back from the south , taking over as party chief from Ho late in 1957 .
9 It envisaged the development of other commercial ranches ( albeit government-owned ) ; the provision of credit to a selection of pastoral cattle keepers ( for water supplies , improved grazing and other facilities ) ; a great improvement in the system by which cattle were transported from grazing areas to abattoirs ; and the re-equipment and expansion of the existing export meat-packing plant .
10 Once there is a perceived need for expansion , involving the provision of security to a lender , the facility of the company to charge its own property may dictate the choice .
11 On the change in tactics to a three man forward line , he said : ‘ I decided to play with three men up front to cause them problems back there .
12 On a more basic level the attribution of dislike to a personal deficiency ( the wrong mood ) also probably reflects on the deeply personal nature of the housewife 's relationship to her role .
13 Many people now regard the sending of flowers to a funeral as an inexcusable waste of money , arguing that since they can not possibly help the deceased , it is better to help the living .
14 ( 4 ) Where the arrangements for the admission of pupils to a school maintained by a local education authority provide for applications for admission to be made to , or to a person acting on behalf of , the governors of the school , a parent who makes such an application shall be regarded for the purposes of subsection ( 2 ) above as having expressed a preference for that school in accordance with arrangements made under subsection ( 1 ) above .
15 The Act dissolved the Company and transferred its powers and those of the Board of Control to a new Secretary of State .
16 Initially , in 1947 , Sir Stafford Cripps moved from the Board of Trade to a newly created Ministry of Economic Planning but , after a few months ' existence , this was absorbed into the Treasury when Cripps became Chancellor of the Exchequer .
17 In the case of referral to a dietitian or chiropodist the database dispatches brief details to the relevant department .
18 Thus , it was suggested , Babangida was well placed to forestall any attempt within the security forces to hinder the progress of transition to a civilian , two-party system of government by 1992 .
19 After five years intensive training on the secluded world of Ponten VI — a curious mixture of legal precedent and target practice — Bishop was allowed out in the field as squire to a more experienced Adjudicator .
20 Randolph Trumbach has illustrated this point by reference to the otherwise baffling controversy over the ban on marriage to a deceased wife 's sister .
21 The ban against marriage to a deceased wife 's sister was rescinded in 1907 , another sign that the middle classes had come into their own .
22 At the same time as Stalin had appeared to fulfil the potential of Lenin 's thinking by achieving the subordination of humanity to a single will , the uncertain capacity of the system to eternalize its Great Leader of the moment was also evident .
23 Of course , the conditions of Russia in 1917 and the following years posed ‘ special problems ’ for the Bolsheviks , but it must be recognised that the tension between the tendency to treat each factory as the ‘ collective property of its own workers ’ and the need to ensure the subordination of production to a ‘ common political end ’ is in no way unique to the Soviet experience .
24 Section 6(1) of the UCTA gives rise to particular problems in the area of infringement of third party intellectual property rights , and in relation to clauses which attempt to exclude by blanket wording all warranties implied by the SGA , or which provide for exclusion of liability generally ( such as those excluding liability for economic loss or capping total liability under the contract by reference to a monetary amount ) .
25 In addition , more as an added insurance than anything else , many se llers also include a general exclusion clause which limits total liability under the contract by reference to a monetary figure .
26 Then , experiments in California simplified the complexities of compost to a simple major ingredient — peat , and the modern container-grown revolution was suddenly born .
27 The United Kingdom considered that the grant of nationality to a ship was a matter of international concern which went beyond the confines of the Community .
28 The grant of jurisdiction to a tribunal or other decision-maker must involve a power to come to a decision which in the opinion of a reviewing court may well be wrong .
29 We will transfer responsibility for food standards from the Ministry of Agriculture to a new Food and Drugs Commission .
30 The unrest stems from their demand for higher salaries and better working conditions and has brought the day-to-day operations at the ministry of finance to a virtual standstill .
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