Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [noun] of [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the United Kingdom , in contrast to anywhere else in the world , the majority of cases of sexually transmitted disease are seen in clinics staffed by specialists trained particularly to deal with these problems .
2 It has been clear for some time that there are a number of significant practical problems with the interpretation of SSAP 6 , Extraordinary Items and Prior Year Adjustments , particularly in respect of the variety of treatments of apparently similar events as sometimes ordinary and sometimes extraordinary items in the p&l account .
3 The RSC Research Fund exists to assist members in their research by the provision of grants of up to £1000 towards , for example , the purchase of chemicals or equipment or for running expenses of chemical education research .
4 Including that holding , Owners was last night claiming the support of holders of more than 25 per cent of its shares , while Airtours , despite purchases in the market and the assent of what is thought to be Mercury Asset Management 's 15 per cent stake , claimed control of just 22.8 per cent .
5 Since the hunt for Dinah began , police investigations have revealed the existence in Britain of almost 2,000 religious organisations , any number of whom could have had representatives or followers at the three-day pop festival .
6 Right erm function of disguise and perception class distinctions the money to sort of how she feels sort of like well bred educated
7 Also there should be an effective and widely respected authority which can solve disputes and give penalties in the case of infringement of mutually agreed codes of practice .
8 The first signs of a problem start with greasy skin and a few blackheads or whiteheads on nose , cheeks and forehead , indicating the rise to maturity of previously insignificant grease glands .
9 Tony Bottoms ( 1993 ) suggests that this analysis may explain some recent developments in penal systems , such as the rise in importance of relatively impersonal and standardized penalties such as the fine .
10 And , looking ahead , his strategy will only work if there is a clear decision in the referendum in favour of either the president or parliament .
11 The androids seemed more incompetent than ever , almost falling over each other as they herded the prisoners through kilometers of intricately decorated passages .
12 One of the difficulties in the procedure for the institutions was the constraint on planning of not knowing — often for long periods of time — when or whether courses would be able to begin , or even whether they would be allowed to continue .
13 These were made clear to all would-be mediators and featured , in particular , the payment of several billion dollars as reparations and the ‘ punishment of the aggressor ’ , understood to mean the removal from office of both Saddam himself and the entire Baathist regime through some form of Nuremberg mechanism .
14 It is intended to be of practical use in the formulation of policies of both public and private sectors in the future .
15 The climate was not improved by the exposure in March of further North Korean tunnelling under the Demilitarized Zone ( DMZ ) separating the two countries .
16 What principally affects the environment of management is not so much turbulence as the wave upon wave of not very closely related demands and pressures from public and governmental sources .
17 A DISGRACED professor who contrived a scheme to defraud the University of Stirling of almost £15,000 escaped a prison sentence yesterday after a sheriff heard he had paid the money back .
18 The standing of the University in terms of both the quality of its teaching and the significance of its research must be viewed in the light of the Further and Higher Education ( Scotland ) Act of March 1992 .
19 Rubin , the designers of all Soviet nuclear submarines , says leakage of plutonium from corroded nuclear torpedoes is not expected to start until 1995 or 1996 , but when it starts strong currents could disperse the contamination over distances of up to 100 kilometres .
20 He commences upon the dismantling of assumptions of where the texts are funny or obscene based on modern suppositions of what constitutes obscenity et al. , and puts forward a theory that picks up a suggestion of Nykrog 's concerning the relationship of fabliau and romance : that the fabliaux flourished as a conservative reaction to new notions of gentility and decency in behaviour and especially in language ; new notions that are found most clearly in the literary cult of fin amour .
21 Between the 1st day of July 1987 and the 15th day of October 1987 conspired together and with other persons fraudulently to induce persons to enter into agreements for acquiring or subscribing for securities , namely shares in Blue Arrow plc , by making statements which they knew to be misleading , false or deceptive or by dishonestly concealing material facts or by recklessly making statements which were misleading , false or deceptive namely : 1.1 By failing to notify the Company Announcements Office of the Quotations Department of the International Stock Exchange by way of a Class 2 announcement ( as provided for by Section 6 of the Council of the Stock Exchange 's admission of securities to listing ) following the purchase of shares in Manpower Incorporated for a consideration in excess of 5 per cent of the consolidated net assets of Blue Arrow ; 1.2 By concealing the fact that the level of Acceptances of provisionally allotted new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow was 38.04 per cent at the expiry of the offer by way of rights issue at 3pm on September 28 , 1987 ; 1.3 By concealing the fact that 54,625,000 new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow were taken up after 3pm on September 28 , 1987 ; 1.4 By falsely stating that , in connection with the rights issue of 504.4 million new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow , acceptances had been received in respect of 246.5 million shares which represented 48.9 per cent of the rights issue .
22 On Jan. 10 , the export from Russia of about 60 products , including food and consumer goods , was banned .
23 Dell expects fiscal 1994 sales of between $3,400m and $3,700m and net profit of between $3.30 and $3.75 a share , compared with the $2.59 on sales of just over $2,000m reported for the year just ended .
24 The sufferer attempts to gain control by changing his or her pictures of reality to conform to the pictures of perception of how life should be .
25 Base surges spread out radially in all directions from the base of the rising ash column , rolling down the volcano at speeds of nearly a hundred kilometres per hour and covering an area of more than 230 square kilometres .
26 April Fool 's Day marked the entry into force of yet another food labelling law , the nutritional value directive .
27 The board processes themselves often do not work , so one often hears the remark : the company policy is X , but of course I am not personally in support of this , I believe we should be doing Y. Since industrial success depends totally on getting the concentration of effort of widely differing groups of people with different skills to be applied at optimum effect to the achievement of the common goal , it is not difficult to see why such disparate messages strike at one 's heart and give one a more than usual dose of despair .
28 the view of the traffic planners here is that if the bike is to be seen as a realistic substitute to the car over distances of up to two km , then every point must be made accessible to it .
29 They had chased the car at speeds of up to 90mph but lost it , and they had picked up Mr Beaton near Windyedge Farm , between Perth and Stirling .
30 The travelling Post Office collected the mail at speeds of up to 70mph .
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