Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun sg] [be] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The level of personal savings is particularly high in Japan at over twice the rate in Western economies , and as the majority preference is for assets with a lower risk , over two-thirds are kept in bank deposits .
2 The million-hour award covered a two-year period up to last November , while the RoSPA bronze was for safety performance during 1992 .
3 the speed limit 's for boys not real men
4 The EVA Cup is for sides below the top two divisions .
5 So , in the Act parenting is for life , because children need continuity , security , and a sense of identity .
6 The crystal chandelier was for effect only — lighting that would show off the clothes to their best advantage was brilliant yet discreet , and along one wall were racks holding some of the ready-to-wear garments .
7 The inevitable result was that the Dumbarton element in the Rutherglen Council prevailed and their representative at the district meeting was for Dixon , although the Council was split .
8 Non-classification technical disputes rarely occur , and when they do , the trade preference is for arbitration .
9 Those shown in the Flight Timetable are for guidance only and may have changed .
10 The morning room was for comings and goings , where odd chairs changed their places for different conveniences , and shoes and boots from the fields were not forbidden .
11 Now the planning application is for Waste Regulation rests with this Authority and I would emphasise that to members here that wh if you 're looking at the sites you must bear in mind that we are the waste Site Planning Application Authority and that you can not go and make progress in any direction without it coming to Committee here and I would hope that officers would bear in mind the sensitivity which has already been mentioned in agenda today but members will find that these applications er are addressed in their own district , in their own divisions .
12 We are in an election period and the guillotine motion is for election purposes .
13 But TODAY can reveal that the £2,500-a-night suite is for Charles alone .
14 It is no wonder , therefore , that many people believe the current delay in publishing the Barrowclough investigation is for reasons of political expediency rather than legalistic necessity .
15 You have to decide whether the main purpose of the data in question is for linguistic analysis , in which case you probably want a phonemic transcription ; whereas if the min purpose is for use by the local community it is clearly an orthographic transcription that is required .
16 Most of the cases at the Sheriff Court were for assault , breach of the peace , trespassing in pursuit of game and one of shebeening ( unlicensed selling of liquor ) .
17 The emergency plan was for Giles , fingers crossed , to take the tube from Heathrow to Hammersmith , where we 'd be waiting to pick him up .
18 I , I would like to think they 'd been supported the same as the boxing club , but after all the boxing club is for youths , and I think they 've got to look after the youths erm , try and find something for them to do , as much as erm , community
19 And the master plan is for Lewis to make a third defence of his title against American Tommy Morrison in Las Vegas in the third week of February .
20 Give that to Robert , that 's for Donna so give them both to Robert but the adventure game 's for Donna .
21 ‘ We are very aware what a frightening experience the driving test is for learners , ’ says Wilf Rostron , the supervising examiner in Middlesbrough .
22 The bacon-curing business was for sale for £l00,000 so assuming that he could finance the remainder he engaged an accountant to check over the books of the existing business and report back to him .
23 The market place is for people like you , my world is the studio .
24 A dance floor 's for partners .
25 The most common — and probably the most sensible — reason institutions give for getting a video camera is for teacher training .
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