Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adv] think [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the things typically thought to be left out were :
2 Over the past decade it has become accepted that some of the fossils formerly thought to be human ancestors are in fact on the line leading to the orang-utan .
3 Thus a government which while adhering to the rule of law narrowly defined , flouted all or most of the practices generally thought to be covered by the rule of law broadly defined would also give rise to doubts about its legitimacy .
4 Apparently , Halsbury then ‘ conceived the idea that the case should be re-argued before an enlarged body of Law Lords and that , in addition , the House should adopt once more the practice of summoning the High Court judges to advise ’ , a practice generally thought to be obsolete .
5 He 's a rare well preserved example of a person originally thought to be from the bronze age .
6 A man not thought to be easy to handle .
7 The sale , for a sum not thought to be material , marks the final dismemberment of Metro-Cammell Weymann , the vehicles business which unbeknown to Laird lost £50m over several years .
8 Across the nation aristocratic backwoodsmen , a tribe previously thought to be on the verge of extinction , tottered off to the nearest railway station to obey the summons .
9 The death of the Eleventh Fürst , Johannes Thurn und Taxis , in 1990 , after a lavish life lived in anachronistic , princely , style , has revealed the financial disarray of a family previously thought to be enormously rich .
10 The case was noteworthy for the fact that a section hitherto thought to be aimed only at espionage had been employed against peaceful protesters .
11 The man and an accomplice both thought to be in their late teens tried to rob The Candy Box , Ayresome Street , Middlesbrough , at 8.45pm on Saturday .
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