Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adv] the [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 she says the hum , and then she was telling us when she brought the tape back the other day one of her interviews was telling her she was interviewing this man s er out of , out of the blue take off all your clothes please .
2 For a brief moment he experienced again the exhilaration he had felt on the plain late the previous day when he dropped a big red banteng bull with a single shot from nearly two hundred yards .
3 I was cleaning out the room there the other day and he must be training , he must be weightlifting or something up in the bedroom but he 's a health health book , a big thick health book and there 's bodies , you know , the human body
4 They caught someone in the Bazaar just the other day .
5 Why are England expected to settle for it and be happy with a ‘ well done ’ and a pat on the back then the next day be criticised by the same pressmen for not catching the ball at vital moments !
6 ‘ I saw a case in the clinic only the other day .
7 ‘ They burned down a cottage just the other day .
8 All you ever hear is how great football teams like Newcastle/Chelsea/West Ham/Liverpool/Scum have always played ( even Wolves got a mention somewhere the other day ) , & how they always stick to thier principles .
9 ‘ I saw a man here the other day .
10 I would accept that since I saw a report only the other day about such a case ( the funeral director involved had a son in my class who brought me the file ) the embalmer had used 8 oz per 80 oz of a very good fluid , but had not put in any co or pre injection fluids and did not mix any other fluids , and he put in 4 × 80 oz bottles .
11 I think in general terms , we were having a discussion only the other day , and thinking of possible applications of one form of another of microprocessors , only very generally I might add , but if we thought of an application which would save paying someone 's salary on a weekly or monthly basis , then that would be attractive for obvious reasons , you know , that the sort of when one totals up wages and salaries over a full year then that 's a significant saving to be made and therefore it justifies the initial investment cost in whatever the system might be .
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