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1 The method will depend on the variety so look out for a good reference book , such as Pruning by Christopher Brickell , £7.99 , Mitchell Bleazley — part of The Royal Horticultural Society 's Encyclopaedia of Practical Gardening series .
2 Among the bogies foolishly trotted out for this purpose is the imaginary policeman …
3 Sympathetic murmurs greet this delicate reference to her own spinsterhood , and the hunters then move in for the kill .
4 Even the sight of Little Chef and the ponies longingly looking out for her every morning did n't make him relent .
5 In many ways the CPVE conforms very closely to the goals originally set out for the GCSE .
6 The search now goes on for cancers over a wider area .
7 The end point can vary between the parent just giving in for a peaceful life , the whole event fizzling out with the child still not having done what was asked or the parent having smacked the child and walked away .
8 The Mozarts then set off for Mannheim , which , under the music-loving Elector Carl Theodor , had one of the finest orchestras in Europe ; and since 1742 the Electoral palace had also included an opera house in the west wing .
9 The bad news reached her the next morning even before she had finished dressing , and then before very many days had passed she found out her condition , and the skies really fell in for her .
10 Whether the quartet actively looked around for a site is not known but in 1905 they formed a syndicate by joining with two other men — J. A. Rawlins and F. E. Theodor — who were already buying and selling land for development in the Shiplake and Harpsden areas and whose earlier purchases included Bolney Court , Lower Bolney Farm and Upper Bolney Farm .
11 Noreen stood back , biting her lip to watch , as the applause still rang out for Maria .
12 In spite of the fall , the Government still came in for criticism from opposition parties and trade union leaders , who pointed out that the total was still higher than this time last year .
13 The butler then went in for breeding dogs which he kept in large wire enclosures .
14 The Victorians also come in for considerable attention , some of it with a feminist slant , while , not surprisingly perhaps , Latin America still seems to be chic .
15 The show always goes on for Shirley
16 Here and elsewhere , the police also came in for a fair amount of criticism — Punch portrayed London 's genial giants Gog and Magog dressed as policeman , defending themselves from the wrath of the respectable populace — and there were perfectly sound reasons for such discontent .
17 Wearing the Lord of the Isles tartan , he used a crook to support the knee recently operated on for cartilage damage .
18 We manoeuvre in the world constantly looking out for Number One .
19 Certainly it was watched by a fair few housewives , posh farkers or not , with growing numbers of women around the country now tuning in for Paul Merton 's steadily increasing TV appearances .
20 The patrol then headed off for Siwa , another oasis 200 miles to the east .
21 Newport have fallen on even harder times than last year , when the Barbarians beat them 60-18 , and the Baa-Baas too scratched around for fluency .
22 I 'll have to work a bit harder to make up for lost time when I get there .
23 Is a search still going on for missing material ?
24 Students were a group already singled out for special attention in the effort to keep out the ‘ bourgeois liberalism ’ which had influenced their predecessors at the turn of the century .
25 The goalkeeper lay injured following a collision with a team-mate when Mikhailichenko gathered the loose ball on the byeline and squared it to Hateley for a goal easier come by for Rangers than had seemed possible in the early stages of the match .
26 Because I 've got a load more coming down for you .
27 In the community tank where the decor consists of numerous caves made from rockwork , with a good depth of gravel to act as a filter medium , and where the fish tend to dig less than in a tank especially set up for breeding , then undergravel filtration will be adequate once the biological action in the gravel has become firmly established .
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