Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] they [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The shapes prevent them from bunching together .
2 But pushing down on the legs stops them from straightening ; the legs will then have to work five times harder in order to compensate .
3 ( Anyone who doubts this should recall the images facing them in distorting mirrors at funfairs . )
4 Several physiotherapists mentioned that the active nature of the job benefited them physically and a number of people with sensory impairments believed that the nature of the work prevented them from becoming isolated .
5 So the problem is , if your child wants to go , if one of our children wanted to go at midnight , I 'm fairly sure that everybody in this Council Chamber would have quite a reasonable way of er of retaining that child in the home but of course we 've all heard the stories of what happens when the unruly children in the children 's homes want to go out at midnight and I do think we we have a problem because with the report and the new legislation , we 're in the situation where there 's plenty of advice for us as to what to do , what not to do should I say , we ca n't we ca n't use pindown , you ca n't shut them in a room , you ca n't physically restrain them , so how does one of the workers in the home stop them from going out ?
6 NEWSAGENTS will today be urged to back calls for a change in the law to protect them from becoming innocent victims of the law which prevents tobacco being sold to under-age youngsters .
7 The ERM prevents them from letting their currencies float downwards to adjust .
8 Flick knives have caused problems when trying to decide whether they are offensive weapons by themselves ( with out having to prove the intent of the possessor to use them for causing injury ) .
9 When the challengers , who have a bigger budget and more style than the host body , wanted to open their own village , the ACOC barred them from using the words ‘ America 's Cup ’ .
10 Thus in 1802 when a group of spahis called on the Serbs to join them in resisting the dayis very few Serbs responded .
11 Sealink and P&O are estimated to have 80 per cent of the market and the undertakings barred them from pooling their services .
12 Throughout July the talks became more acrimonious with the Democrats unable to agree upon a deficit reduction package amongst themselves , and the Republicans accusing them of negotiating in bad faith .
13 The parties accused de Gaulle of preparing a plebiscite ; the General accused them of coveting an irresponsible , omnipotent assembly .
14 Central was a commitment to the universality of natural rights and the need to protect them by maintaining balanced systems of government in which concentrations of power were avoided .
15 On the latter point , my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister made it plain in his statement that we shall explore further with Russia and the other republics how best we can assist in the provision of employment for the scientists within the CIS to prevent them from going abroad .
16 Some pressure must also be applied to the top of the assembly to keep them from lifting apart .
17 Soviet scholars and journalists could hint in their writings at problems in specific factories or could criticize particular managers or officials , but the censorship prevented them from generalising their observations into a critique of the system .
18 These windows are very elegant and it is well worth taking the trouble to highlight them by shaping the top of the curtains to fit the curve .
19 The accused also might not be able to call witnesses who saw the damage-causing driver , because that driver may have terrified the witnesses to prevent them from giving evidence .
20 Third , when the provincial gentry still did not take up the cause of reform with alacrity the tsar bypassed them by appointing a majority of keen reformers to the Editing Commissions .
21 The decision of the House of Lords in Anisminic Ltd v. Foreign Compensation Commission shows how , on occasion , the courts will resist the strongest efforts of the government to exclude them from reviewing executive discretion .
22 They have not right to take and fund matters to the Higher Courts to review the decisions of the Government , the executive in other words , and they themselves have no idea how they 're meant to fulfil this role that the Government sees them as having .
23 To prevent this happening chemical agents known as sequestrants are used which bind up the residues preventing them from dropping out of solution .
24 The plaintiffs sought an injunction against the members of the national executive of the union to restrain them from inducing or procuring their members not to use PA copy .
25 For such macro-systems , the principle that the designer produces what he thinks the users need is being replaced by the principle that the users themselves decide what they want and the professionals assist them in designing as specified by the users .
26 ‘ How do I know what I think till I 've heard what I 've got to say ? ’ they will ask ; and , sitting down at the keyboard , will type in a few hasty half-baked assertions , and let the program nag them into developing a coherent and well-expressed thesis .
27 ‘ As it is , this new crisis they 're having to face might be the thing to push them towards solving their difficulties .
28 The march was attended by 3,500 ( as compared with 100,000 at a similar march in January — see p. 38736 ) and passed peacefully except that afterwards members of a Trotskyist group , the Revolutionary Communist Youth , broke away and battled with the police preventing them from reaching a hall where Le Pen was speaking .
29 It would have suited his purposes admirably well to have had the police arrest them for responding to his antagonism .
30 We talked of Partition and the how the old princess had thrown the last family heirlooms — a series of beautiful inlaid jade daggers down the haveli well , in case the police arrested them for possessing offensive weapons .
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