Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The vast majority of basic trainers are , or were , manufactured in the USA , and most of the remainder come from outside the UK .
2 Harry Lister , group managing director , paid tribute to the support received from both the Welsh Office and the Welsh Development Agency .
3 At York , admissions to the freedom of the city show that in the period 1301–1550 less than one-seventh of those admitted were drawn from citizen stock , while at Romney in Kent between 1433 and 1523 , a quarter of the freemen came from outside the county , and only a third from within a 5-mile radius of the town ( 70 ) .
4 Their Lordships abstain from detailed discussions of these questions , in so far as they were developed in argument , for that would lead the Board to fall into precisely the errors against which Griffiths L.J .
5 There are currently 24 full time students on the course sponsored by either the Training Agency or a local Education Authority bursary .
6 Last month I wrote about the carriage controls on both the main bed and the ribber .
7 The gunshot came from inside the house .
8 Up to the darkroom to begin at once the pictures she had taken this afternoon .
9 On the foreign exchanges , the deutschmark seemed steady ahead of tonight 's reunification ; the pound fell against both the dollar and the mark , ending the day at one point eight eight four five dollars and two deutschmarks point nine three four one .
10 The text rests mainly on specific cited examples , drawn from the literature up to 1987 , but the authors comment on both the scope and the likely mechanism of the various transformations .
11 Neglecting the input current of the operational amplifier in the circuit of figure 10.11(b) compared with the current through resistance R This time , if and for the sinusoidal component of highest frequency present in the equation reduces to Clearly the circuit of figure 10.1 l(b) acts as a differentiator when , which condition is much more easily satisfied than the condition for the corresponding passive circuit of figure 4.11(a) to act as a differentiator .
12 ( 4 ) Since 1981 , however , there has been a distinct slackening of impetus in relations , largely because of the disillusionment experienced by both the USSR and the Latin American countries about what could be expected from each other .
13 At the time it was found that a major drawback in dual-purpose cattle was that they often failed to breed true : the offspring tended towards either the beef or the dairy type of the breed 's dual-purpose spectrum , partly because of breeders ' preferences but partly , it was believed , because the dual-purpose breeds were effectively hybrids : if they had begun to show too great an emphasis on dairy characteristics , extreme beef sires were introduced to draw them back to their dual-purpose role , and likewise extreme dairy sires were used when they became too beefy .
14 The whole truth of course he had not sussed out , for who could possibly imagine that luck of hers , which had caused the telephone to ring at precisely the right moment .
15 The visitors had by far the better chances in the second period but they lacked the confidence to take them .
16 She hurried to the far end of the bay where the sun gazed from above the cliff with hot , friendly passion .
17 If the universe consisted of just the elements cooked up in the big bang , then W would be about 0.1 — ten times larger than it appears , but ten times less than theory demands .
18 The sound came from inside the golden orb of hair .
19 During the nineteenth century the Shorthorn became by far the most popular breed in England and was overwhelmingly dominant in the national herd .
20 Whilst they achieved no reaction at all from the cereal taken from outside the phenomena , that from inside the circle and the stone gave three clockwise gyrations on the pendulum followed by three anti-clockwise .
21 Such thoughts lead naturally to the manhood of Christ , the sharp reminder that the Incarnation provides of both the destructive nature of sin and the means by which this destruction is turned back on itself — laid waste .
22 The need to control for both the individual and areal characteristics is demonstrated by table 6.1 taken from Garner ( 1988 ) .
23 The recommendations are contained in section five and five one C effectively impress the assistance of Policy Committee in addressing the need to sustain at least the current level of spending of three point nine million on these small but vital schemes throughout the period of the medium term plan .
24 Churchill gave Attlee one last boost when they were both back in London and the election results — postponed for three weeks owing to the need to bring from abroad the postal votes of the forces serving overseas — were at last declared .
25 The group includes by far the largest of terrestrial animals ever to have lived ( Brachiosaurus ) , creatures to dwarf the largest bull elephants .
26 The first problem was to work out the correct overall send and return levels , but with the Quad-FX 's input and master volume set on unity gain I found the processors worked at roughly the same settings anyway , so there was n't much need to tweak the levels .
27 This assumption is based on the figure of 53 Roman miles , quoted on the Middleton milestone as having been measured from Carlisle as the caput viae , and backed by the name of the civitas given on both the Brougham milestone and the tombstone of Flavius Martius from Old Penrith ( see below p. 58 ) .
28 But there is little difference at present between the dates provided for both the early rampart and the wall .
29 The Beckford Report completely fails to address the problems arising from both the definitional and the statistical fallacies .
30 This has been well documented in the evidence provided by both the Pembrokeshire National Park Authority and the Countryside Commission .
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