Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [conj] i do " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The review of ‘ I 'm Never Gon na Die Again' in Select started off saying that all the guitar playing that I did in The Birthday Party was genius and that since then I 've been very vague and confused .
2 That 's no good at all , because when that goes the job stops and I do n't get paid off the grants people and the bank holds the deeds and , if I do n't forthcome with the grant money , then I will lose the house .
3 Mr oh yes I remember him and the wife died but I did n't mind er
4 And then we did a jungle trek and erm the guide said if I do that you 've come near , if I do that you have to go away , if I do that you 've got to quickly climb a tree
5 The Executive Council under Sir Paw Tun were inert and helpless , and later that morning I went to the Governor to say that I did not think we could hold the situation any longer without grave risk , and advised him to call for the resignation of the Executive Council .
6 Er indeed the directive was promulgated as the minister said but I do n't think it was a bolt out of the blue , it was of course something that we around for some considerable time before that and of course that excuse hardly applies to the delay in establishing the European parliamentary constituency committees , er as the minister er will know very well , it was merely a matter of seven weeks , er the excuse being that had they had another seven weeks they could have had the public inquiry stage , the reality of course was that there was plenty of time to do this in good time and in good order and without the confusion that exists now er around the candidatures and the boundaries of the existing European boundaries .
7 'I 'd tell you the whole bitter story , but you do n't have the time to listen and I do n't have the patience to explain .
8 I need her to go and fetch the fruit from the grenier and then there 's the table to lay and I do n't know what .
9 I desire the reader to remember that I do not make use of the word people for the mere vulgar or mobile , but for the whole community , consisting of clergy , nobility and commons …
10 So I explained to them , I said well that 's cos you changed over and I sort of never put it across through oh she said well do n't worry I 've done it now , she said you have n't got anything to worry about now , I said well it did bother me a bit to think that I did n't think you had my payment !
11 For once in my life there was no need to believe as I did or act as I chose for any reasons other than that I was personally convinced it was right .
12 I 've been thinking about what you said , that it 's very rare for a woman to feel as I do .
13 So while it would clearly be an exaggeration to say that I did n't enjoy the experience at all , my main preoccupation was to get it over .
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