Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To date almost 100 graduates have participated in the GEP and the majority have gone on to successfully launch their own businesses .
2 I mean if Glasgow breaks down for I mean if the pros get called out for two weeks it 's not gon na make a big deal of difference at Norwich .
3 It was also true that the France of de Gaulle was trying to reverse her military defeat in 1940 by winning hegemony in post-war Western Europe by political means ; and her partners in the EEC lacked the unity needed to stand up to her .
4 The port was London , where the seamen had come out in sympathy with the dockers .
5 The prince had come over to London to be married — from the house of Anna 's sister who was settled there — he hated every minute of it .
6 Although the princess has returned to Britain the prince has stayed on in Hong Kong .
7 ‘ Take a look behind , nephew , ’ came the answer , ‘ and you will see that already the litter carrying the prince has turned off for Westminster ! ’
8 The prince has come in for a lot of criticism from the UN and the West for spending most of the past few months in China .
9 The valet had gone down on his knees , his head pressed to the floor , his whole body visibly shaking .
10 As the euphoria had gone along with an irrational faith in the Gaullist saviour , so the deepening disillusionment of 1945 , essentially an adjustment to reality , was reflected in a desanctification of the saviour figure .
11 But instead of returning to the trees and swinging happily ever after , the orangs got caught up in web of conservation politics .
12 If the retailer wants to find out about sales figures , for example , he may present information as a bar chart .
13 I mean you 've got to try and keep yourself afloat , and then even that 's not going to help you , if nobody comes along and picks you up either , so I mean that But I mean I I did n't Oh well I Suppose I could say I gave up hope a few times but obviously if you s The struggle to survive comes through in the long run , and I mean it 's it 's not easy to give up hope ,
14 Even in Wales , where gloom and doom should have been the order of the next year or two , the clubs have set off in a style which has brought , instead , a nervous smile or two .
15 In another move which shows that the board intends to live up to the word ‘ control ’ in its title , it sent a message to the Dominion Theatre in Tottenham Court Road , where Frank Bruno is playing in Aladdin , to the effect that Bruno will not be able to rub his genie 's lamp and in a puff of smoke reappear in a world title fight .
16 The JNA began pulling out of Macedonia on Feb. 2 and agreements were reached with the JNA on leaving equipment behind , the withdrawal to be completed by April 15 .
17 Though there was consensus among most delegates that production cuts were needed to avoid an oil glut which would weaken prices as demand dipped in the spring , the discussions became bogged down with claims by Kuwait for special treatment .
18 A temporary repair was made and they flew on to Karachi , where the damage was found to be worse than at first suspected , as the fastenings had pulled out of one of the fuselage verticals .
19 Somehow The Shamen manage to come up with something for everyone , to keep all the factions of club culture happy .
20 At best , he would now only send fresh generals against the Christian force ; but even after El Cid 's death , much of the heart had gone out of the Moorish invaders .
21 The tour went on without them , but all the heart had gone out of it .
22 The heart had gone out of the day .
23 The airstrip itself had been built to serve a golf and diving resort that a consortium of Dutch and American businessmen had planned to build on Straker 's Cay , but the money had run out before the hotel or marina had been built and all that was left of their grandiose plans was this pinkish runway made of compacted coral and a few abandoned cement mixers which rusted forlornly where the hotel 's swimming pool was to have been built .
24 And they say , you know , ev even in apparently wealthy families , er , you know , because the way the money 's divided up at the end of the week , or the end of the month or whatever , that that , the no the child benefit money 's all , all the woman gets .
25 no but on the other hand I 've got a certificate till then , so if the , if the money has run out for what he pays me
26 Yesterday 's meat and vegetables had been high — soft and sweet with badness — he had made himself swallow it and then in the night the shite had poured out of him until he was too weak to stand .
27 The brewery had to shut down between March and June due to problems with its boilers .
28 And , yes , the cities do close down for August — and in mid-February .
29 The driver of the Vauxhall had got out of her car and was advancing with menaces .
30 The House of Lords allowed the defendant 's appeal with the result that the case had to go back for a retrial eleven years after the plaintiff had suffered damage .
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