Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun] can be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ during daytime hours without the lamps being lit while the vehicle was in motion ’ The daytime hours can be proved by reference to an almanac or from a witness 's observations if this is found necessary .
2 Now if the stimulus is not sustained , if the if the glucose stimulus is not sustained , the calcium load can be cleared , the elevated free calcium inside the cell can be cleared for example by a calcium A T P ase , since the calcium channels were shut .
3 The grounds upon which a ban is imposed relate to public disorder only , and if the banning authorities can be shown to have taken irrelevant considerations into account in deciding whether to exercise the power to ban , they have acted ultra vires .
4 The uPVC pipes can be joined in the same way as uPVC waste and soil pipes — that is by solvent-welding or by ring seal ( push-fit ) joints — but it 's better to use push-fit joints for flexibility .
5 My Noble Friend is absolutely right er it is a er essential that the erm hospital does have a good discharge policy that there are community facilities to support people once they leave hospital er and My Lords we know that with some of the new procedures that are now being introduced er that is possible and that when a patient comes in for treatment , a discharge policy is worked out almost immediately so that the support services can be given when the time comes for that person to leave .
6 For every pound of apples eaten , the cholesterol level can be reduced by one per cent .
7 It is often said that the tonic syllable can be identified because it is the only syllable in the tone-unit that carries a movement in pitch ; this is in fact not always true .
8 The reliability approach can be made more elaborate ; in some ways it is closely related to the causal approach considered next , because we are clearly owed an account of what reliability is , and a causal answer is tempting ( see , e.g. , Goldman , 1979 ) .
9 The shell model can be combined with the collective aspects of the drop model to produce formalisms called macroscopic-microscopic models .
10 First , that the verb legare can be used in a neutral sense meaning not ‘ to leave property by legacy ’ but quite simply ‘ to leave ’ without presumption as to the kind of legal institution involved .
11 The method used ( and you may well think of a better one ! ) is to drive two brass gimp or panel pins into the panel on each side of each of the l.e.d.s such that the l.e.d. wires can be looped around ( no tightness here ) and be soldered to the pins rather as Fig. 6 shows .
12 This enables oxygen to be stored for several minutes , and during prolonged periods of submersion an accessor valve between the heart ventricles can be opened to bypass the function of the lungs .
13 Thus , for a given rate of national income , equilibrium in the money market can be illustrated graphically , as shown in Fig. 4.3 .
14 The money supply can be reduced directly by using open market operations .
15 Lattice enthalpies determined through the Born-Haber cycle can be regarded as experimental values since the lattice enthalpies are calculated from experimental values .
16 The total number of possible ways in which the component molecules can be arranged on the lattice increases when mixing takes place and is equal to , but as the interchanging of a molecule of ( 1 ) with another molecule ( 1 ) , or ( 2 ) with ( 2 ) will be an indistinguishable process , the net number of distinguishable arrangements will be
17 Similarly , the misspelling abscence can be cured by reminding pupils of absent , and drawing attention to sent again .
18 Further distinctions not shown in the table could also be drawn : the first group has short string scales , ranging from 10¼ ’ to 12½ ’ ; ; they have pine keys with rear rack guiding ; they have shallower cases with thinner scantlings and show a method of construction without dovetails in which the case parts can be assembled around the bottom boards .
19 Notice that the technique is extremely difficult to apply to the potentiometer divider of figure 8.1(c) because the resistance ratio can be varied continuously to alter the division of potential , and any introduced ratio of parallel capacitance would need to be capable of being varied in sympathy .
20 The text flow can be interrupted at any time by clicking the mouse or the flow method can be altered to semi-automatic or back to manual by clicking in conjunction with the Command or Shift keys .
21 The lambing season can be frought with difficulty , but thanks to the lambing bank there 's a happy ending for at least some orphans .
22 Once they are set up and down the field groups can be interlocked , and figures united by gesture and look .
23 The field research can be carried out almost anywhere in the world though the project has to be designed with the assistance of the staff and is subject to their approval .
24 Even for design , however , the skills of the computer scientists can be exploited in translating designs into the increasingly complex notations used by electronic publishing systems , and in understanding how the limitations and advantages of current and future technologies can affect design .
25 The garter carriage can be used to knit a ribbed welt , but always remember that if you set the garter carriage to knit a 24 row welt and then leave it , that is all it will achieve .
26 The radar scanner can be seen on the top of the Lock Control Building at the Entrance Lock .
27 The fluorite structure can be viewed as a face-centred cubic arrangement of cations within which the anions are arranged tetrahedrally .
28 There is no need to pour or pump the liquid , and the Werax connector can be used on another barrel after tapping .
29 The knitting instructions can be printed out on paper in a variety of different chart formats or in diagram form with Japanese notation as described in my article in the June issue .
30 BELOW The remains of kilns after the firing experiment can be analysed and excavated to be compared with excavated examples .
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