Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun] [adv] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Is the technology which reaches the defence sector better utilised than in the civil economy ?
2 The Defence Minister barely flinched as the camera zoomed in for a close-up of his face as they ran the famous film clip from mid-December , 1987 , in which he promised that it would all be over by Christmas .
3 The Defence Minister barely flinched as the camera zoomed in for a close-up of his face as they ran the famous film clip from mid-December , 1987 , in which he promised that it would all be over by Christmas .
4 WITH the Bush-Clinton confrontation now resolved and our own Parliament on the brink of a crucial European Community debate today , modern Welsh politics seems tame in comparison .
5 These forms are filed alphabetically , the expiry date carefully noted and systematically cleared out after the expiry date has elapsed .
6 Despite all of these changes , the leaders of the change effort consciously supported and maintained those values and ways of work that had been productive in the past , such as joint consultation with the unions .
7 The Award Committee also commented that , while much remained to be done to generate full benefit from expanding use of the service , the new facilities have been well planned and prepared and the new potential is clear .
8 The Sussex man noticeably slowed as Hall continued to switch the play .
9 Socially reclusive , emotionally recessive — it might be asked whether Larkin had any life at all ; the student radicals at Hull who daubed denunciations of him in the university lavatories presumably thought that he should get one . ’
10 That was an essential b eventually that was taken away , but the building trade still believed if a building firm wanted men , they had to have at least a thirty two hour guarantee , which is at present still in operation .
11 ‘ It was as if The Wedding Present only formed when I joined , which was nice in a way , ’ says Charman .
12 The advocate depute also stressed that the jury required to consider the case against each appellant separately , and that on any view there was sufficient evidence to entitle the jury to hold charge 3 proved against the first appellant .
13 By the time that she had balanced the tray on a small table , the silver teapot carefully placed where Matey could preside over it , Mrs Darrell had embarked on an attack on Dr Neil and the profession which he had taken up .
14 The Saturday Review bitterly commented that they had ‘ framed for themselves a rule which we must characterize as both illogical and unfair — namely , of distributing their patronage so that no competitor should net more than one premium ’ .
15 At the entrance Emily suddenly turned and said sharply , ‘ Wait there . ’
16 The high sequence homology of Oct-11 to Oct-1 and Oct-2 in the POU domain strongly suggested that Oct-11 would be able to bind to an octamer motif .
17 Despite the virtual collapse of the communist system in eastern Europe during 1989-90 , the CPV platform confidently predicted that " socialism will recover its vitality , and despite the winding path it will finally score a victory " .
18 This met with opposition from representatives from civil-law jurisdictions on the ground that it was incompatible with the possession vaut titre principle and had implications going beyond the field of leasing , and the Study Group eventually concluded that no progress could be made on this issue and limited the statement of priority to conflicts between the lessor and the lessee 's general creditors , subject to perfection of the lessor 's title in accordance with any public notice requirements of the applicable law .
19 With the loft floor well insulated and the roof space ventilated , it is vital to ensure that all pipes are well protected against freezing conditions .
20 The first harbinger of the outside world came when the bedroom door suddenly opened and a maid came in with a tray .
21 The July communiqué also announced that the next KPRP congress , due before the end of the year , would be postponed .
22 I am saying that Lord Justice Woolf , who produced an authoritative report on prison riots and the improvement of prison conditions — admittedly , a report that does not recommend the one thing that the Home Secretary has chosen to do , but a report which the Home Secretary wrongly described as comprehensive — draws attention time after time to the simple fact that all prisons that rioted in 1990 and were the subject of the inquiry were so overcrowded that many of the proper duties that prisons should perform were not being and could not be performed .
23 The Home Office originally announced that no prisoners had been injured , but it was finally admitted that 54 had been , and that there had been criminal assaults on prisoners by staff .
24 The audit office also found that the Forestry Commission had not been consistently monitoring variations between its overall plan and adapted local programmes .
25 But the Law Lords unanimously decided that he was obliged to have regard only to ‘ material considerations ’ and that the amount of weight to be given to these was a matter for his judgment .
26 The Law Commission provisionally recommended that mere displays of force should be excluded from the offence , largely , it would seem , since there were several other offences by which such behaviour could be prosecuted , and because there were no modern prosecutions for this form of the offence ‘ save in quite exceptional circumstances . ’
27 Issues still being worked through include who owns the testing technology already developed and how 88open 's not-for-profit status will be affected by the changes .
28 Issues still being worked through include who owns the testing technology already developed and how 88open 's not-for-profit status will be affected by the changes .
29 The marriage age steadily dropped until half of American brides married by the time they were twenty and three-quarters of English girls were marrying by the age of twenty-five .
30 The South Africans therefore demanded that they should do the job , and the UN 's representative agreed .
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