Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [conj] go to make [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Among the shields are those of Bohemia , Moravia , Silesia and Upper and Lower Lusatia , the states that went to make up the lands of Bohemia .
2 Some of the answers are only now coming to light as we find out more about the structures of the proteins that go to make up living cells themselves .
3 Of all the elements that go to make up the accident causation system , the one that has received the least attention in residential areas is the design of the road network itself .
4 The heavier atomic bits — the stuff that goes to make up the planets — they had to wait until later until they 'd had a chance to be built up .
5 So do bear those things in mind , because part of today and yesterday has been saying to you , how you can present yourselves to radio and T V in such a way that you 're not only experts in your specific subjects , but you are sufficiently expert in the techniques that go to make up good radio , that people will say , ‘ Let's have so-and-so back again .
6 Only one event pulls together all the strands that go to make up the complete electronic publishing market , Electronic Publishing&print 1988 .
7 To help you work our your own menus , here are summaries of the salads and the foods that go to make up breakfasts and snacks .
8 The Bullock Report offered clear support for language in teacher education : ‘ Among the modules that go to make up the professional training element there should be a compulsory one on language in education ’ ( DES , 1975 : 337–8 ) .
9 The reason why is summarised in my own ‘ Principle of inverse irreversibility ’ , a sub-paradigm of my ‘ Law of innate tendencies ’ , itself one of the laws that go to make up the all-encompassing ‘ Law of irrelevant correlates ’ , as explained in my work-in-progress , ‘ Irrelevant correlates ( and others ) ’ , which promises to be hailed on publication as the definitive analysis of systematised muddleheadedness .
10 Coyle Plc at present manufactures ail the components that go to make up its finished products .
11 Whatever the actual part you play in the business , or indeed , if you have to play all the parts that go to make up a funeral directing business , what is your attitude towards the job as a whole ?
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