Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [conj] [verb] [to-vb] him " in BNC.

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1 Only last year , on the instructions of Luther Reynolds , David had brought the boy out of the mines and begun to teach him the way of business ; Matthew often accompanied him on his rounds , and though he made little attempt to befriend David , the boy worked , and learned , and spent so many hours closeted in the ‘ den ’ with the old man , that Beth was obliged to voice her concern .
2 Perhaps he was recovering from the loss of some great love — that at least made sense of the aimlessness that seemed to characterise him .
3 The Doctor edged forward to the soldier and began to examine him .
4 I heard the ambulance and the police cars and I saw them putting the man into the ambulance and trying to resuscitate him and driving away .
5 He seized the demented man round the shoulders and began to drag him back to safety .
6 She turned to watch him leave , experiencing a second shock as she recognised the man who was driving the car that arrived to collect him as one of the pair who had waylaid her in the car park .
7 But as he pulled alongside the defendant , he grabbed the boy by the neck and began to punch him .
8 But as he pulled alongside the defendant , he grabbed the boy by the neck and began to punch him .
9 We jumped out and met him at the rear of the vehicle and tried to show him a letter of introduction from the Algerian Ambassador to Britain , Lakhdar Brahimi .
10 She had been to see Enter the Dragon and started to tell him all about the code of kung fu as he hurried her upstairs .
11 Yes and if that bloody Karen comes on the scene and wants to take him back I shall tell her , if you go back Paul
12 If they have a child who is handicapped , most parents will keep the child and grow to love him and her in the fullness of time .
13 Someone came to the shop and tried to sell him an old cross with paste stones in it .
14 And they spat on him , and took the reed and began to beat him on the head , and after they had mocked him they took his robe off and put his garments on them and led him away to be , to crucify him .
15 When the plaintiff presented himself at the theatre , the defendant , who was X 's servant and manager of the theatre , detected the plaintiff and refused to admit him .
16 Nicholas 's voice checked him for a moment but when he turned he saw that the taxi driver was out of the cab and attempting to restrain him .
17 With Southampton trailing 2-1 and desperate for an equaliser , he grabbed the fan around the head and tried to drag him from the pitch .
18 Without thinking , she plunged into the mob , caught hold of the leather-worker and tried to drag him away from his assailants .
19 Dr Benjamin Spock points out , however , that if an angry mother refrains from spanking she may show her irritation in other ways , for instance , by nagging the child for half the day or trying to make him feel deeply guilty .
20 The powers that exist to enable him to carry out this task are expressly preserved by the Act , and it is essential to consider their scope in some detail .
21 In paranoid disorders however , it is the son 's passive relation to the father that threatens to unman him , and this expresses itself in the characteristic symptom of paranoia — delusions produced by the mechanism of projection .
22 Suddenly he pushed the skinny man to the ground and started to kick him , but , as he did so , there came a roar and a rumbling from behind us .
23 Drop by the record company , go to the reception , give your tape to the receptionist and try to persuade him or her to put your demo on to your target A&R person 's desk .
24 The storms that threatened to pluck him from the summit where he stood barely rippled the grey waters of the lakes that were strung like pearls along the centre of the grassland far below .
25 She flung herself on the end of the bed and began to bring him further up to date .
26 She sat up very straight on the side of the bed and continued to address him as if he were sitting on a mat in the Top Infants , wrestling with difficult , dangerous new concepts like add-ups and take-aways and the precise whereabouts of Australia .
27 Willie Moe snorted and picked up the boy by the leg and started to whirl him as if winding him up , which was part of a new routine called ‘ The Living Propeller ’ .
28 Dalgliesh got out of the Jaguar and tried to extricate him from the pushchair , but the anatomy of the chair momentarily defeated him .
29 He could also make an error of judgement in his choice of sailors , at least one of whom turned on him the moment they were inside the door and threatened to beat him up if he did not hand over money .
30 Willie knelt down on the newspapers and began to dry him .
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