Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [conj] [noun] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He tapped another code into the computer and moments later a dossier appeared on the VDU .
2 Predictably though , the hypothesis that itis simply a matrix complex which is required to maintain normal hepatocyte function in culture can not explain all reported observations .
3 But soon they too would be absorbed by the world of the camp , know their way about it in their sleep , do the washing-up and water-carrying once a week , or walk about like negroes in G-strings made out of a towel .
4 In line with what we had expected was the finding that establishments where the level of output , the amount of overtime being worked and the number of persons employed was falling were rather less likely to be using fixed-term contract workers .
5 If this is in a country other than the Netherlands and Belgium then the burden borne by their consumers is not reflected in their gross contributions .
6 This was sold to us , please , this was sold to us on the basis that it was going to bring in the baddies and sort out the baddies , and we 'd all live happily ever after .
7 You also need to visit the cupboards and drawers where the pan , salt , scissors , knife and colander are kept , and dispose of the bag in the rubbish bin .
8 Of course there are many factors in the comparative success of these occasions and in the weeks or days when the timetable is ‘ suspended ’ in favour of interest-led activity , but among them certainly the opportunity to really ‘ know ’ the child , and vice versa , is a powerful ingredient .
9 And Colin finished up just down here on the pavement and Keith maybe a few yards further down er with very bad injuries .
10 However , dealing with local agents is another worry for the expatriate and so some employers manage the expatriate 's affairs in the UK during an absence overseas by paying the mortgage and rates when the home is empty or when the rent achievable does not cover the outgoings .
11 Where there is no important inner melodic line the cellos are of course available for the bass part , also the violas and horns when the tessitura does not lie too low for them .
12 The Rhodesia Metals case was referred to in the Hang Seng Bank case [ 1991 ] 1 A.C. 306 and it follows that when Lord Bridge used the words ‘ place where the property was let ’ he must have been referring to the place where the property let was situated and not to the place or places where the lease happened to have been signed .
13 But all he did was to leave the shore and head fast for another part of the lagoon , where the moulds and fungi overhand the water .
14 Curl the toes back and raise both arms towards the toes , lifting the head and shoulders just a few inches off the floor .
15 Catch a crop of carrots among the shallots and turnips wherever a parch becomes vacant .
16 The manor has long since been broken up and sold off and Andrew now only holds small pieces of land , though these include some of the grass and trees where the proclamation is made .
17 And that yo can keep the dog and cat upstairs a bit ca n't we ?
18 Quite a few of his country clients had been late for their appointments , or had failed to turn up at all , and the story was always the same : British troops had boarded the train as passengers so the driver or the fireman or the guard or ticket-collector — sometimes all four — refused to work and the train never moved .
19 She treats the mothers and fathers just the same as the children and they 're all scared to death of her .
20 But again there is ambivalence over whether they should be encouraged into the countryside : to the farmer and conservationist alike a vision is conjured up of marauding inner-city teenagers and other undesirable aliens , wreaking havoc in an environment best kept well away from ‘ those kinds of people ’ .
21 Not the stars and stripes Not the cross .
22 The stars and stripes perhaps a symbol of acceptance of America today .
23 Further on by 2km ( just over a mile ) at the hamlet of Hinterthal , the road crosses the river and forks where the stream is joined by a tributary .
24 The Alvington entry will be competing in a new class for slightly modified production models , hoping to head off the Jaguars and Porsches when the race gets underway on June the 19th .
25 It became more of a defensive round , seldom in positions from which he could attack the hole and three-putting both the 11th and 15th .
26 First , it is likely that many of the courses and institutions where the points scores of Highers/A-level students are highest will admit relatively few non-traditionally qualified students .
27 Our aim this time is to free the exhibition from its ball and chain , abolishing any kind of categorisation and seeking a natural relationship between the spectator and art not a contemplative relationship but an active one trying to create complicity between the work of art and its beneficiary .
28 This will contain the key alongside a pointer , which is a field used to identify the location or address where the data is stored .
29 A dietitian is responsible for the Unit and visits twice a day .
30 The two Arabs then climbed into the front and moments later the van spluttered into life and turned out of the alley .
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