Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [conj] [verb] him into " in BNC.

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1 Twice , when Meredith ordered ‘ Two steps stage left ’ and Geoffrey moved to the right , Meredith came bounding down the centre aisle shouting ‘ Left , left , ducky ’ and leapt onto the apron to seize him by the shoulders and shove him into place .
2 She went to the window and watched him into the street , then into his car , then out of sight .
3 There was never any need for her to take the initiative or inveigle him into bed .
4 His cheerful London accent seemed to bring her back down to earth , and she hurried to unlock the bolts and let him into the hallway .
5 Then they sealed the lid and threw him into the Nile .
6 He had taken the trouble to seek out the young man in the morning and tease him into conversation — as he thought subtly , but Harrison was immediately aware that he was being sized up .
7 She apologized for the muddle and ushered him into the living-room .
8 She invited him in , pulled at her hair , relocked the door and followed him into the living room .
9 Sometimes he 's so determined he 's not going to go that we have to forcibly put him out of the door and get him into the car and get him there somehow .
10 This time , as she held open the door and saw him into the car , she was unable to refrain from privately comparing his physical likeness to that of her own father .
11 She prised her husband 's fingers from the edge of the door and pulled him into the hall .
12 The tiny woman took Tuppe by the hand and led him into the darkness at the rear of the shop .
13 On an incline , all the pots and canisters and the huge stew cauldron would slide down the wagon and crowd him into a corner .
14 Bernice and Sendei left the protection of the motorspeeder. and followed him into the mist .
15 At his first rehearsal of Peter Pan , almost before Bunny had finished introducing him to the rest of the cast , Dotty had taken him proprietorially by the arm and strolled him into the wings .
16 The day after that , Tobie was commanded to the Palace and returning , seized Loppe by the arm and marched him into the workroom John le Grant had devised for himself , where he scowled at them both .
17 After approaching him on the street and ushering him into the house he told the boy ; ’ Welcome to the Devil 's Kingdom ’ and threatened to kill him if he did nt co-operate .
18 I clambered over the wall separating his garden from the orchard and followed him into the cottage .
19 Wilkins began struggling with a constable and pushed him into a bush .
20 " It is not a job that brings him into the public eye , but , believe me , he is one of the most trusted officers of the bank . "
21 One day , she had seen a car screech to a stop and several men overpower a pedestrian and force him into their vehicle ; from a distance she had smelled the smoke of bonfires burning blacklisted books ; she had glimpsed the outline of a human body floating in the dark waters of the canal .
22 Then one of the men gave a shout , seized the boy by a leg and pulled him into the hall .
23 The well-to-do uncle treated John as a son and took him into his expanding business .
24 In referring once again to employee share ownership schemes , an idea that got him into trouble after the last election , he signalled that he still believed in the ‘ popular socialism ’ that he had advanced in those days as the answer to Thatcher 's ‘ popular capitalism ’ .
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