Example sentences of "[pron] [ex0] [vb mod] be a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now if he 's got ta make out himself there 'll be a possibility he might be losing it .
2 There 's a very nasty atmosphere in this Lab recently , and if a certain gentlemen does n't take a hold of himself there 'll be a mischief done , you mark my words . "
3 The only scenario in which there would be a case for building a PWR as soon as possible on the grounds of plant shortage involves a sustained increase ( 4 per cent growth per annum ) in manufacturing output from 1979/80 .
4 In other words it 's not part of its standard employment allocation but it 's put it in the local plan so that people know , the locals know , that that field over there those fields over there erm are not guaranteed for ever as countryside but on the other hand they 're jolly well not gon na be released unless it 's for something extremely special for which there would be a statement carried through from the structure plan , elaborated on no doubt at local level , which set the rules .
5 Other naturalistic views , Marxist and some which indeed call themselves ‘ evolutionary ’ , have often proclaimed themselves free from any such picture , but it is basically very hard for them to avoid some appeal to an implicit teleology , an order in relation to which there would be an existence that would satisfy all the most basic human needs at once .
6 The matrix does not pretend to show organizational units within which there may be a mixture of growing , mature and declining sub-elements .
7 Prominent among these is lack of spontaneity for which there may be a number of reasons , two of which may be characterised as ( 1 ) a high degree of vested interest , and ( 2 ) a high concern for one 's reputation .
8 The argument from numbers continues to have some appeal in the criminal law but there are now few situations in which there may be an indictment for conspiracy in respect of acts which would not be criminal if done by one person .
9 Whereas water and electricity were broken up into different private companies between which there might be a degree of competition , British Telecom ( BT ) and British Gas were essentially privatized intact .
10 In which there 'd be a picture and a description with a few words .
11 We are struggling for a terminal at which trains can come in from all parts of the country , at which there can be an interchange for the continent and at which people can move on relatively quickly .
12 You have been gripped by the urge to write a book in which there will be a murder with a murderer not immediately apparent but whose identity will eventually be made clear because of some idiosyncrasy in his or her mental make-up .
13 This presentation will be held in private ; the Developers are expected to speak for about 30 minutes , after which there will be an opportunity to ask questions of them .
14 The actual names will only be required 12 weeks prior to departure , after which there will be an amendment charge if there are any changes .
15 A week before the Feast itself there would be a family discussion about the despatch of cards .
16 Within the memory itself there will be a number of chips , each capable of working in the absence of the others , thus employing redundant modularity .
17 Challenging the authority of the canon is immensely difficult ; if a writer is great , then s/he will be in the canon ; if a writer is not in the canon , then s/he ca n't be any good , and to try to put him/her there would be an act of mindless obstinacy .
18 there there 'll be a paddle so pretending there 's a paddle .
19 The same thing could happen if you walked out of here this afternoon there there could be a bomb s threat between A and B wherever you 're going and you ca n't even get round
20 and they assured us there would be a bit incorporated for audio description , so what it was , was half of us entrance into the lighted sound box , cut off , it was a , sort of triangular , but erm , to see out the window
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