Example sentences of "[pron] ['s] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And suddenly we 'd all be in Amsterdam or Paris or something like somebody 's idea of America for the evening , or else it would still be our own dear city , but from very definitely another era , all striped Regency wallpaper and framed Angus McBean photographs of Vivien Leigh ; or another time there 'd be nothing but opera on the sound system for a whole week , there 'd be complaints of course but Madame would say , I 'm just trying to give you boys an education , and Gary at least would be very happy .
2 Despite the vast edifice that they built up on extremely shaky premises the phrenologists were socially-committed men , with an interest in holistic medicine and a shrewdness that served them well when they ran their fingers over somebody 's skull in pursuit of character .
3 It is everyone 's companion from birth to the final change death .
4 In being normative it avows that it does not necessarily conform to everyone 's notion of authority in all detail .
5 Greenpeace 's international HQ produces an amazing amount of campaign literature : sea turtle fact sheets , Everyone 's Guide to Toxics in the Home , five major arguments against kangaroo farming , ocean incineration of toxic waste , driftnets , the destruction of red coral , campaign to end nuclear weapon testing , save Antarctica , let's save the Mediterranean , and a great deal more .
6 At least by 1960 it had been recognised in this jurisdiction that it connotes a duty not to injure one 's neighbour by want of reasonable care .
7 Such awareness becomes important in helping clarify one 's place in society and , thus , one 's relationship to others in that society .
8 And it had been the experience of that war that convinced Richard Cobden of ‘ the utter uselessness of raising one 's voice in opposition to war when it has once begun . ’
9 It advocates not neutral political concern as a principle of restraint but neutrality between those conceptions of the good which greatly value an autonomous development of one 's life in accordance with one 's rational nature .
10 Is one 's grip of things to be always so fickle ?
11 one can in interpret one 's attitude in relation to opening the presents in different ways .
12 It is also because it is a well-written , intensely moving story which shows that MPs can and do achieve things , that true love can and does exist , and which restores one 's faith in politicians at a time such restoration is badly needed .
13 The logical thing to do , however , is not to turn one 's back on philosophy in general , but to look for mistakes in the particular philosophy of which the conception of the world as ‘ external ’ , colourless , and so on , is a part .
14 The Man with a Sheep is said to be humanitarian ; that is far from one 's experience in front of it , and the assertion is not much supported by the iconographical evidence .
15 beneath the details of everyday life which Shamin describes is a feudal economy where small farmers scratch out a living from day to day , where one false step can mean falling into debt or mortgaging one 's land without hope of recovery and where one rebellious individual can place the entire economic unit , the joint family , at risk .
16 And to die in one 's sleep without distress to oneself or inconvenience to others is an enviable end .
17 And allied to this are concerns about ‘ not getting the results ’ and about one 's reputation with colleagues in general , and especially with the senior staff whose opinion can make or break a career .
18 Should Gatting and his crew receive their paroles one 's sympathy for refuseniks like Rob Bailey can only heighten .
19 As Earnest Kurtz argues in " Not-God " ( published by Hazelden ) , which gives the history of Alcoholics Anonymous , the process of recovery is essentially the recognition that one is not one 's self in control of the Universe , nor even of much of one 's own life , and that one is therefore Not God and nor are the mood-altering chemicals and behaviours that one previously " worshipped " .
20 They do n't know about wolves gathering at nightfall on the edge of the forest and prowling round one 's house in search of food . ’
21 In constructionist theory the ‘ self ’ is the sense of personal identity derived from being a ‘ continuity of one 's point of view in the world of space and time ’ , linked with being an agent capable of action ‘ in that one takes oneself as acting from that very same point ’ .
22 Women 's magazines were full of ideas on how to make the best of one 's appearance in spite of the meagre supplies of make up available in the shops .
23 It was , however , possible to obtain either partial or total remission of one 's time in purgatory through the acquisition of indulgences .
24 This has always seemed to make sense , despite the Scots ' own tendency to be caught with a wardrobe of empty coat-hangers and crumpled piles , and one 's fear on behalf of England is that they are running out of time in which to find a dinner jacket .
25 That insignificant-looking £1,200 Breguet-made clock is clamped to the left windscreen stay and the standby compass to the right one , while a big red gear unlocked light sits atop the left glareshield in one 's line of sight during the flare .
26 Becoming critically aware of one 's dilemma in life without God is the first level of understanding necessary in coming to faith .
27 For example , a person who early on in life formed the assumption that they had to have everybody 's approval in order to be happy , could become depressed if they did not subsequently secure the approval of someone important to them .
28 I doubt whether this is done deliberately , but I think it 's part of everybody 's perception of science in schools that girls do biology and boys do chemistry and physics , and I suppose this is bound to have its affect on people 's choices , but I personally , and I think most of my colleagues would agree with me on this , see no reason to suppose that girls should be any less good at chemistry and physics than boys .
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